Friday, 3 October 2008

Friday 3rd October  Britain's leading conservative blog
Today's newslinks

Jacqui Smith attacks Boris for ousting Blair

"Jacqui Smith criticised Mr Johnson for undermining Sir Ian Blair, who announced he was resigning as Metropolitan Commissioner saying he could not continue without the support of the Mayor." - Sky

Boris flexes his muscles

"The Mayor of London’s decision to force out Sir Ian Blair is the most significant display of political power by a Conservative executive since John Major sacked Norman Lamont in 1993. Not only does it mark the end of the line for London’s top policeman, but also the beginning of a more aggressive phase of the Johnson mayoralty, which will actively highlight failings in the Labour Government." - Times

The Sun thumbnails the likely successors to Sir Ian Blair.

"The next Met chief must be in Ian Blair's mould, or London could slip back to the riots of the 1980s" - Ken Livingstone in The Guardian

Six MEPs ready to frustrate Cameron's plans to leave EPP - Scotsman

Health and Safety Executive question Cameron's Conference speech - Independent

"If the Tory leader 'gets' the modern world, he doesn't like it very much" - Philip Collins in The Times

Fraser Nelson: 'Sharing the proceeds of growth' is dead

Nelsonfraser "The ‘sharing the proceeds of growth’ mantra has been cast into an unmarked grave and a new policy — ‘share the pain’ — has taken its place. The phrase is not one Mr Osborne would use on stage, but this is precisely what is exemplified by his plan to offer money to councils that cut their budgets in a way he intends to do by reducing consultants and advertising spending in Whitehall. This draws a new battle line. While Mr Brown promises to keep up state spending, as if this were a good in itself, the Tories will continuously identify waste." - Spectator

Charles Moore: Osborne needs to look more like Geoffrey Howe

"George Osborne made a well-judged speech as shadow chancellor on Monday. But his appearance is still against him when he tries to share the nation’s economic pain. Something about his black curls and pale face make him look like a powdered French aristocrat in 1790 staring affrighted from the window of his carriage as the sans-culottes start trying to turn it over... Mr Osborne will probably be a genuinely prudent Chancellor, but he needs to find a way of looking more like Geoffrey Howe before he can convince the voters." - Charles Moore in The Spectator

Nick Bourne disowns Welsh Tory document that attacked Rhodri Morgan

Bourne_nick "The 39-page dossier that referred to the First Minister as “the Clown Prince of Wales” and criticised his dress sense and hairstyle was signed off by Mr Bourne and released to the media last weekend. But yesterday lunchtime he went on BBC Radio Wales and dissociated himself from the document, despite the fact that it was sent out with an accompanying press release that quoted him extensively." - Western Mail

Profile of Steve Hilton - Telegraph

Robert Peel is Cameron's greatest Tory - Economist

And finally...

"Conservative Home's Jonathan Isaby approached the glorious Ed Vaizey MP to compliment him on his smart polka-dot tie. "Thank you," Vaizey replied. "It was a gift from Michael Gove." Labour, take note: this is a party in unison; they stand together, they buy presents for one another. David Miliband should buy Gordon some gloves or a scarf." - Tara Hamilton-Miller in the New Statesman

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