guido fawkes
Tory Script Includes Dramatic Pause
Vince Cable is ignored on the ground shouting random directions to attract attention from the crowd. Little can be done to avoid Gordon claiming credit and to be fair, his contemporary version of the Swedish bail-out model was better than the Paulson Plan Mk 1. The Tories plan their attack and hold off until recession bites and then point the public towards Gordon and give him the credit he deserves for the recession.
Might work, though Gordon will try to pass the buck as ever, blaming Iceland or the non-appearance of the tooth fairy for Britain's woes. The triumphalism of this week may fade from the public's memory pretty quick. Danny Finkelstein has nailed it to Gordon, "If this is a triumph, I'd hate to see a disaster". Fink's argument needs to be re-scripted in populist form.