An article by Donald HustingAn ideological Axis of Evil: Islamism, Leftism, and neo-Nazism
When Mussolini turned form socialist agitator to fascist leader, writes Alan Cassels in his book, Fascism, he, “[…] did not regard his actions […] as a betrayal of socialism at all. He merely changed brands of socialism”. Later, with only minor adjustments to their personal beliefs, Nazi leaders were able to secure high-up positions in Communist East Germany.Duly Noted: America’s Achilles Heel
1. It was inevitable. The officialdom in charge of the Olympics has decided that the contested Chinese women gymnasts were old enough to participate in the games. The decision rests on documents presented by Peking. In this case you are again being asked to believe something that is obviously false. Supposedly those doubting the girls’ age lack exposure to Chinese women. Peking assures us Chinese females, look much younger than they really are. In some parts of the world Han Chinese are less than a rarity. From that sample one might conclude that even the Chinese look their age. Those gymnasts represented a government that is eager to score on the PR front. Could it be that, since it is the same government which also issues IDs, might have created documents to prove, if not the actual facts then the politically necessary fiction?
Monday, 13 October 2008
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Mon, 2008-10-13 09:42
» 1 comment | 512 reads
From the desk of George Handlery on Mon, 2008-10-13 09:28
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Britannia Radio