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An Important Special Message From Christopher Ruddy
Editor, Newsmax.com
Great Housing Crash of 2008:
Housing's a Bust...But Don't
Let it Crush Your Portfolio!
In this special report "The Great Housing Crash"
— all new and updated for 2008 — you will learn
nine specific steps to take NOW to protect
your wealth from any further free fall.
Click here to get your FREE copy of this stunning,
all-new and updated Special Report
Could the U.S. housing bubble's burst and recent turbulence in the U.S. stock markets be early warning signs of something even worse to come?
Until recently, the U.S. and global economies were roaring. But while we suffer with the aftermath of a sub-prime mortgage feeding frenzy, prolonged market uncertainty, record home foreclosures and the declining value of the dollar worldwide, investors are now facing record losses to their portfolios — their estates and retirement funds — residential property value drops are becoming harder and harder to swallow.
How hard? The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller home price index, an index that tracks housing prices for the country's 20 largest cities plunged 12.7% in February 2008 from a year earlier. That's the biggest drop in the index since it started in 2001. Bloomberg recently noted that home sales were down 18 percent nationwide in April 2008 versus the same month in 2007, while the median price of an existing home fell by nearly $20,000 over the same period.
What's more, home foreclosures exploded 112% in the first quarter of this year from a year earlier, to 649,917, according to RealtyTrac as Americans started to experience the pinch of a housing gold rush turned crisis.
What makes this housing bubble and its aftermath extra severe is that during the real estate frenzy — the era of the overnight McMansions and investment condos — lenders accommodated desperate, starry-eyed homeowners with sub-prime loans and false hopes of affording luxury mini-mansions at sky high prices.
Or worse yet, incredibly leveraged, speculating weekend investors hoping to snatch up cheap properties and then sell them for double digit gains to benefit from residential property's seemingly endless appreciation.
But with homes no longer the cash cows they once were and easy credit now a thing of the past...unemployment lines — from Florida to Mississippi to Oregon — are only getting longer as the scores of industries built to support the housing bubble start to crumble. While construction and manufacturing may seem a small slice of the overall American pie, but, in fact:
A record 43.15% of all new jobs generated in the U.S. since 2001 have come from the housing market!
That's almost half of all new jobs over the past seven years.
So, what now?
Now that the smoke is starting to clear, the only questions left are: Have we hit bottom yet?
Will it push our economy into a recession?
But even more importantly, how can YOU profit once the smoke begins to clear?
The Mother of All Financial Disasters?
Now that the housing and mortgage debacle is beginning to unwind, foreclosures are hitting the streets as fast as the "SOLD" signs that preceded them just a few short years ago. In fact, the number of U.S. homes that slipped into some form of foreclosure in 2007 was 79% higher than the previous year.
The media is covering the nation's rising foreclosures, but what no one's talking about is that evidence suggests we haven't even seen the worst of the mortgage crisis yet. Analysts estimate that there is some 25-30% downside left over the next two years.
Not to mention the crumbling of all of the industries housing supports — think construction, manufacturing and related industries — all of which rode the housing wave on its way up, will also feel the effects of its downturn.
When will it all end? Billionaire investor George Soros says not any time soon. He recently told Dow Jones, "the worst of the fallout is yet to be felt."
Will your portfolio survive without suffering record losses?
In our new FIR special report, The Great Housing Crash of 2008, we forthrightly examine the crucially-important issues that lead to the housing bubble . . . which of your investments are most at risk as the crash worsens nationwide. . . what happens to our economy and your investments . . . and how to protect yourself now, while you still can.
The truth is, all of the information you need to protect yourself and your wealth is not available from typical sources. The government certainly isn't going to tip you off — it's busy enough trying to stop the dollar's further decline and staving off record inflation.
FIR, we have long warned loyal readers about the inevitable housing bubble and how severe the consequences might be.
In this special report, we illuminate all of the information you need to know not only about what caused housing's bubble to burst, but you will even learn how to capitalize on the nationwide housing downturn...in time to properly protect your assets.
In this jam-packed exclusive issue "The Great Housing Crash of 2008," you'll also get critical and timely advice, like:
What to do — and what not to do — in the middle of a housing crash...
Which equities you should put on the back burner RIGHT now...
What types of stocks to beware of as the value of your home declines
Three specific stocks that should be avoided at all costs...
What you can do over the next 12-18 months to protect your investments and stop your net worth from its downward spiral...
Is your neighborhood bank a takeover target?
What's next for large bond insurers suffering at the hands of one of real estate's worst crises yet...
How much housing prices are likely to fall . . . and exactly when they will bottom out in major U.S. cities.
One type of real estate that has escaped the derivative and sub-prime mess, and is still a good investment.
Sectors that are growing the fastest RIGHT now.
And that's not all!
Where's Uncle Sam when you need him?
No matter where you live, we are all worried about the economy — about saving your job or maintaining your standard of living. Many consumers find themselves struggling with rising costs of fuel, food and healthcare, so it's not surprising that a poll released by ABC showed economic anxiety in the country is at its highest level in 27 years.
If you're not concerned about today's economy, you're in small company.
Most of us are worried. We are so worried, in fact, about our financial circumstances that even after months of interest rate cuts, early this year President Bush finally stepped in to unveil an economic stimulus plan in hopes of spurring spending to stimulate the economy.
The Fed has cut key interest rates to all-time lows in order to spur spending and borrowing, but the economy is not budging.
At the same time, in an election year, well-intentioned politicians are diving in to bail out over-extended homeowners, or cash-strapped Mc-Mansion owners whose mortgages are resetting and are finding that they have bit off way more than they could chew.
In May, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee approved housing legislation intended to stem foreclosures by insuring as much as $300 billion in mortgages — $3 billion of our tax money the government hopes to use to bail out ever-drowning homeowners who can no longer make their jumbo mortgage payments.
But evidence suggests that some efforts to fix the current housing crisis might do more harm than good...
Inflation, it's a recession's worst enemy. The country's foremost economists are already saying that the Fed's continuing interest rate cuts will have to end — they've already driven up inflation and area costs of living while eating away at middle-America's portion of the income pie. All this alongside rising unemployment and ever-climbing energy costs, we are left with a recipe for on-going disaster...
But you can protect your investments in time...
Click Here to get your FREE Great Housing Crash 2008 report now
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