Thursday, 30 October 2008

Keynes lives again - but cutting taxes still beats digging holes in the ground

In economics as in politics, ideas and the people who create them often belong to a particular moment in time - and just occasionally, that moment comes round again.

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The Tories are letting Brown get away with posing as Superman

The Prime Minister has taken all the credit for the bank rescue, but a bitter recession is coming. Cameron and Osborne need to hold Brown to account and provide a coherent policy response of their own 

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America on the road to perdition

James Doran drives from Wall Street to Detroit to discover how the American Dream turned into a nightmare 

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Curing the world's ills

Edie Lush says UK biotech and medical research is world-class, but that start-ups face a challenge to raise capital and must think global from the start 

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Gilt-edged returns for troubled times

Traditionalists choose gold, National Savings and gilts. But the best time to buy shares is often when other people are fleeing into cash, argues Alex Brummer

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David against Goliath on the East Coast line

Nick Kochan meets Ian Yeowart, a third-generation railwayman who overcame every obstacle to launch the passenger-friendly Grand Central train service between Sunderland and London 

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Photography: a tangible pleasure

Whether you spend thousands of pounds or just a couple of hundred, collecting photography is a fascinating pastime - and a market that has never dipped, says Joanna Pitman 

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