Labour sought to make political capital out of Sir Ian Blair's resignation last night. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith attacked London Mayor Boris Johnson for telling Blair that he had no confidence in him as head of the Metropolitan Police. Despite a catalogue of errors, a record of poor leadership and serious question marks over Ian Blair's integrity, it seems clear the Home Secretary was happy for Ian Blair to remain in post. Instead she turned on Johnson accusing him of making a party political decision. But that could only be true if Ian Blair was a political opponent - which as head of the Met he had no place to be. No Met Commissioner should be involved in political debate, they should focus on doing their job.Labour politicised Ian Blair resignation
Friday, 3 October 2008
Labour politicised Ian Blair resignation
This disgraceful response is par for the course for self serving, cronyist Labour. While the men and women of our capital's police force struggled to maintain confidence in its Commissioner's leadership, a drip of allegations about Blair's awarding of public contracts to a friend and use of public money for his personal benefit called into question his probity and judgment. Despite this Labour's sole interest was keeping an ideological ally in his position so he could support the government's agenda on 90-day detention and imposing ID cards on the public. It is outrageous. It seems clear that as long as Blair continued to advance Labour's agenda the Home Office would leave him in place at New Scotland Yard, turning a blind eye to his poor performance and behaviour. Thus London would be ill-served.
It was Ian Blair's performance and behaviour that led Boris Johnson to say that he did not have confidence in Ian Blair. It was something the Home Office should have done a long time ago. The failure of the government to take action demonstrates a clear absence of leadership at the Home Office. Leaving Blair in post so he could speak in support of the government's proposals, while stumbling from problem to crisis in his job, showed contempt for Londoners. It was the Mayor who took a principled stance in the interests of London and its policing, so Labour cries foul. It is Labour that has politicised policing in London by putting their political interests in supporting an indequate and under performing Commissioner ahead of the reputation of the Metropolitan Police. The government and its useless Home Secretary should be ashamed. Boris Johnson should be applauded.
Friday, 3 October 2008
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Britannia Radio