Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Last Updated: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 19:49 GMT
Glenn Beck Highlights Threat Of Martial Law Following Economic Crisis
Investment analyst Puru Saxena told a CNBC audience this morning that the Wall Street bailout was akin to treating a drug addict with shots of heroin, and warned that flooding the financial system with overprinted currency would lead to poverty, raging inflation and eventually a total collapse of the U.S. economy and the dollar.

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The Wall Street Coup and the Bailout Scam
The Wall Street took the US (and the world) hostage and extracted a heavy ransom. But while the enormous ransom was successfully extracted, there are no guarantees that the hostages will be set free from the shackles of trickle down economics.

Bailout Like Treating Junkie With Shots Of Heroin 
Investment analyst Puru Saxena told a CNBC audience this morning that the Wall Street bailout was akin to treating a drug addict with shots of heroin, and warned that flooding the financial system with overprinted currency would lead to poverty, raging inflation and eventually a total collapse of the U.S. economy and the dollar.

• The God That Failed
• The Economy: Good News and Bad News
• The Evil of Bailout
• Gold Rebounds on U.S. Fed Decision to Flood System With Dollars
• Former Fed chief says U.S. now in recession
• Cramer: U.K. Bank ‘Socialization’ a ‘Great’ Plan for U.S.
• Inflation soars to 5.2%
• Cost of living ‘has reached peak’
 U.S. to pump $250 billion into banks
 How To Fix Our Depreciating Money
 CNN: Treasury ‘Nationalizing More than Vladimir Putin’
 Dr. Doom: US Bailout Plan Will Probably Fail
 Centralizing Credit in the Hands of the State

A Trillion Dollar Bait and Switch: The Bailout and the Smell Test
The explanation that has been given for the financial crisis does not match up with the solution that has been devised. Moreover, the windows into the crisis offered by the authorities are opaque rather than transparent.

• What You Can Do to End the Tyranny of the Federal Reserve
• AD: Build Your Own Solar Panels and Save $$$ On Electricity Bills - Simple & Easy!

Roubini Sees Worst Recession in 40 Years, Rally’s End 
Nouriel Roubini, the professor who predicted the financial crisis in 2006, said the U.S. will suffer its worst recession in 40 years, causing the rally in the stock market to “sputter.”

• Icelanders Sink Under Foreign-Currency Loans as Krona Plunges
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Bull Market Reset
In that this imaginary cash that is providing the liquidity has essentially the effect of further eroding U.S. dollar purchasing power, the opportunity here is the dollar-negative gold-positive influence of such moves.

• Currencies Battle for Dirtbag Supremacy 
• AD: Quantum Mind Power: Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Blatant Banker Manipulation Of Gold Prices 
Despite the dramatic fall in gold prices from Friday’s high of around $930 an ounce to today’s current low of $830, sales of actual physical gold continues to trade for anything up to $300 over spot price, proving again that official COMEX gold future numbers are completely divorced from reality and banker manipulation is rife.