Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Lies Won't Save Us This Time
Political correctness, which is at least partly at the core of our current crisis (Appeasing minority cries for affordable housing with accusations of racial inequality) has shaken us at our core. And let's be honest, This shakedown of the banking and mortgage industry by minorities has become a real suspect as the catalyst for our immediate crisis........
by Roger Fredinburg

The ACORN Never Falls Far From The Tree
Since 2004, the radical, far-left Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now [ACORN] admits it has registered over 1.7 million voters. Several States are now looking at the tactics being used by ACORN on behalf of the Obama Campaign to register new voters to vote for Democratic nominee Barack Hussein Obama. Using the Motor Voter Law which was created specifically to shelter from scrutiny people whose legal right to vote should at least be challenged, ACORN registered voters without scrutiny who simultaneously cast their vote by absentee ballot before their eligibility to participate in this election could be verified or........
by Jon Christian Ryter

Why Sarah Palin Is The Most Qualified
Two years ago, I was nominated to go to Sacramento for the 55th Assembly District in our California State Legislature. I declined. Twice. I knew then and I know now Had I been elected, I would have been supported, protected and groomed by my staff who is already there ahead of me, loyal to the mission and to the office. They will be loyal to the person-elect. This is probably true for every single office. Thus.......
by John Longenecker

You are all, Lazy Pitiful Unworthy Cowards, If...
Following are the names of scumbags in the House and Senate who voted for the unconstitutional bailout for their corporate paymasters who caused the problem by their greed. You must do everything within the rule of law to defeat them. You may use this part as a flyer. For more details.......
by Former Kentucky State Trooper, Andrew Wallace, Ret.