Thursday, 23 October 2008

McCain-Palin taking donations March 2008 & Obama action alert
People strike out at me because I'm the most convenient target of their frustration. Tens of millions of Americans have their back to the wall and resent they have to go to the polls, hold their nose and vote. It is not my doing, we are all victims of a rancid, corrupt system -- which I have been writing and speaking about for almost fifteen years. Millions of Americans know vote fraud is rampant and there's no way to fix it before the 'big day.' Millions of Americans know the vote was manipulated during the primaries.......
by Devvy Kidd

After the Election Hide Your Stuff
Here we are, a couple of weeks before the election, and I must confess I am in awe at the staggering genius of the conspiracy for world government. The conspirators strategize not just in years, but in decades. We are looking at the culmination of a scheme that obviously was planned and set in motion many years ago, a masterful demonstration of dialectical materialism. It’s no surprise that we are losing........
by Alan Stang

What World Religions and Leaders Won't Talk About
Ever wonder why millions upon millions of people flee to the United States for a better life? Every year? Have you thought about why the line of human misery worldwide grows by 77 million annually? What might cause a person to uproot from his or her home country for a perilous journey toward the United States? Or Europe? Or Australia? Or Canada?.......
by Frosty Wooldridge