Peter Mandelson will receive taxpayer-funded EU pay worth £234,000 over three years - in addition to his annual UK taxpayer-funded ministerial salary of £104,386. He was not laid off from his EU role and his position was not terminated. He resigned to accept a peerage that will enable him, as the new Lord Mandelson of Foy and Hartlepool, to climb... What can be done? Governments must lend to the key banks and other key selected financial institutions unlimited amounts at 0%. Any margin they make - say 10% even - will be used to rebuild their balance sheets. From a strong core of banks known to be fully funded and secure, making vast short term gains, and profits from being granted the power ... Headline reports from the Paris "summit" – this one of the 15 eurozone members plus Gordon Brown and "hangers on" like Barroso – speak of "a plan to confront the financial crisis which will involve hundreds of billions of dollars of new initiatives to head off a feared 'meltdown'". Thus we hear of Sarkozy saying that governments would ... The Dark Prince of Spin is barely back in UK politics working for his bitter adversary, Gordon Brown. But already stories about questionable behaviour while EU Trade Commissioner have started to filter out. The Sunday Times is reporting that Peter Mandelson gave trade concessions worth up to £50m a year to a company owned by Russia’s richest man... As we wrote last night, we have discovered cast iron evidence that the EU commission has known for at least a year that there have been disastrous "shortcomings" in its system of financial regulation. This system include the measures for the application of the "mark to market" rules which lie at the heart of the current banking crisis. The commission has also known ... When Barack Obama whips up a mania in a crowd and employs neurolinguistic programming techniques to convince people voting for him will result in 'change', particularly in America's relationships with the world, I wonder how many Americans consider what a Democrat foreign policy will look like. If they want an example they could do a lot worse... The comments of Chief Superintendent Mak Chishty in the Daily Mail today are like a breath of fresh air. Here is a police officer who has worked hard and been promoted on merit, but more importantly has had the courage to criticise the National Black Police Association (NBPA) of which he is a member. Speaking of the NBPA's call for black and... Low prices tell you two things. One is that current owners of assets are in fear or distress or both. The other thing is that you should be considering buying the assets because they are becoming very cheap. The short-sellers have had all the running so far. The moment will come when they are the ones to be burned, and the longs will collect the bonus cheques... This blog has discovered incontrovertible evidence that the EU commission has known for at least a year that there have been disastrous "shortcomings" in its system of financial regulation. These include the measures for the application of the "mark to market" rules which lie at the heart of the current banking crisis. The commission has also known that changes ... Apologies if it has been pointed out elsewhere, but an anonymous commenter on Iain Dale's blog this evening shared an extract from an article published in 'This Is Money' on 16th March this year. The article was titled " Iceland's banks top 'riskiness league' " and focused on the cost of insuring the debts of large financial institutions if they... Have a read of this posting on the Spectator about a group called the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which is being investigated for voter registration fraud - getting people to register for a vote multiple times. Barack Obama claims accusations that he is connected to ACORN are a smear, yet evidence is coming... Judging by comments elsewhere I am not alone in finding Gordon Brown's new-found joviality and joyful grinning rather disturbing. If he is getting enjoyment from the pain and worry people are experiencing then those infamous psychological flaws are on open display. No normal human being would do this so maybe he should have the benefit...Monday, 13 October 2008
Labour snouts firmly in the public trough
Posted on The Waendel Journal.The Way To End The Financial Crisis
Posted on The Tap BlogCracks beginning to show?
Posted on EU ReferendumSunday, 12 October 2008
A foil hat for Peter Mandelson
Posted on The Waendel Journal.They've known it all along!
Posted on EU ReferendumSaturday, 11 October 2008
A taste of Obama's America?
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Common sense Copper
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Money Is Information
Posted on The Tap BlogSmoking gun II
Posted on EU ReferendumFriday, 10 October 2008
Did government ignore Icelandic banks risk?
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Obama in election fraud controversy
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Hang Out Your Economy on the Gordon Line
Posted on The Waendel Journal.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Posted by Britannia Radio at 15:01