Monday, 6 October 2008

Monday, 6 October 2008

Move along please, nothing to see here

click here to go to the blogDo you remember the 'peace dividend' at the end of the Cold War? The neutering of the Soviet threat was used as the excuse for dramatically cutting the defence budgets of the western alliance. It became the modern day equivalent of beating swords into ploughshares. The threat was over and billions of pounds, dollars, francs and deutschmarks...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Happy days are here again (not!)

click here to go to the blogI claim no experties in economic matters as I have said before once or twice (well, once). But one cannot help worrying when the government shows every sign of wanting to nationalize our banks. How else can one describe the apparent plan the Chancellor has mooted of buying a stake in the large banks?

Posted on EUReferendum

A taste of the media war to come

click here to go to the blogIf you want a taste of the media war that will be waged on the Conservatives in the coming months, look no further than this piece in Wales Online. Clearly there are concerns that the Conservatives are getting stronger in Wales and this is one response to it. As a piece of work it is an example of the stereotypical, generalised, all tarred with the same...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Sooner or later this was going to happen

click here to go to the blogNever did I think that I would find myself even partially in agreement with Chris Huhne, the Lib-Dims' spokesman on home affairs. But one must give credit where credit is due and the man is protesting against the arrest of the Holocaust denier, Dr Frederick Toben, at Heathrow.

Posted on EUReferendum