Monday, October 27, 2008
Smelling Victory, Iran Brags About Arming Terrorists
Foreign Confidential....
Anticipating Barack Hussein Obama's conquest of the White House, Islamist Iran is boasting about providing aid to terrorists.
From AFP via Ynet comes the following story:Iran is arming "freedom armies" in the Middle East, according to a top commander of the country's elite Revolutionary Guards quoted Sunday by a military website.
"Today, not only our armed forces are self sufficient but the freedom armies of the region get part of their weaponry from us," said Hossein Hamedani, deputy commander of Iran's volunteer Basij militia.
His comments appeared on the public relations website of the Revolutionary Guards, of which the Basij militia forms a part.
Like those of the Revolutionary Guards, commanders of the militia are appointed by the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Hamedani whose military rank was not provided, did not elaborate further on what he meant by "freedom armies."
But Iran has dubbed Palestinian groups such as the Islamist movement Hamas and the hardline Islamic Jihad as well as the Lebanese Shiite movement Hizbullah as "freedom armies" since all have vowed to fight Tehran's regional arch-foe, Israel.LA Obamacrats Lynch Palin in Effigy
Atlas Shrugs Demands LA Times Release Video of Obama's Israel-Bashing Dinner for 'Palestine'
Dateline USA....
Atlas Shrugs, the blog that broke the Obama fraudulent fundraising story, is calling on theLos Angeles TImes to release a video of their favorite Presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, at an anti-Israel dinner. Click here to read the newspaper's account of the event, during which Obama praised then guest of honor--a PLO leader-turned-Columbia University professor.
And click here for today's National Reviewpiece on the suppressed video.Anti-Semitic Obamacrat Attacks Republican Jewish Congressman's Faith, Marine Corps Service in Iraq
The communist backed agent of radical change and Islamist influence has not yet been elected; but already his supporters are acting as if it is open season on Jews, Christians, and patriots. Click below. And be sure to click here to read about BHO's plan to disarm the United States military. One of his military advises is bent on destroying the US nuclear arsenal. Not for nothing are Iranian Islamists viewing the presumptive US President (by an adoring media) as the "Promised Warrior." Scroll for the story.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Dateline USA....
Posted by
Britannia Radio