Muslim Gangs Terrorize Dutch City

Foreign Confidential....
Gouda signifies Dutch yellow cheese ... and yellow cops.
Moroccan Muslim gangs are terrorizing a once-proud Dutch city, attacking journalists, Jews, Christians, anyone the Muslims see as their enemy.
And Dutch police are letting it happen.
Click here for the shocking story.
And click here for a report on Muslim gang violence in France.
EDITOR'S COMMENT: The European dystopia--Eurabia--is the future that lies in store for America if Barack Hussein Obama is elected President. The conquest of the White House by a Muslim-born triple citizen (he was born a Muslim according to Islamic religious law, and apparently acquired Kenyan and Indonesian citizenship from his father and stepfather, respectively) will encourage Muslim immigration to the United States, embolden Islamist groups to press harder for segregated spaces and special rights and privileges, and encourage Saudi Arabia to sponsor construction and expansion of mosques and Islamic centers. A vote for Obama is a vote for Amerabia.