Monday, 13 October 2008
Monthly reports on finance, business, trade,
economics, & political analysis


What Would An Obama Presidency Mean for the World?

In February this year when it was clear that John McCain was to be the Republican candidate, we speculated on what a McCain Presidency would mean for the world beyond America. Now it is appropriate to ask the same question of Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee in the election.

Obviously US presidential elections are of immense interest worldwide, but never has it been more important than November 4th 2008 for America itself, having for eight years experienced a truly inept presidency. This has lowered US prestige in the world, and led the way into the worst economic crisis in perhaps eighty years. But economically if America catches a cold, the world sneezes. The trouble comes in globally sized packages and cannot be just a US problem.

When we reviewed a possible McCain presidency it was before any significant indications of a world financial crisis. We looked to see how, based on what was known about him and his policies, we might expect his administration to perform, given the many problems left over for the next administration. We set out many of these issues in our Oct 1st Overview where we reported: Bush's Foreign Policy: An Accounting. For us the key question is whether the next president can restore US leadership in the world, so flagrantly dissipated by Bush/Cheney?

Now it is the turn to consider the story of one of the most unusual presidential candidates ever to be fielded by a major party. If he is successful, a new bench-mark will have been established.

Whilst McCain brings a honourable military career and many years experience as a legislator to bear, Obama in turn offers his youth and vitality and clear intellectual gifts. For us a key question is whether the next president can restore US leadership in the world so flagrantly dissipated by Bush/Cheney. There is much to do!

This analysis is largely based on what Obama has said about himself and his policies as well as what commentators have observed about him.


What would an Obama Presidency Mean for the World?

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