Thursday, 30 October 2008

Australia's compulsory internet filtering 'costly, ineffective'

  • Government working on net filter
  • May block euthansia, pro-anorexia sites
  • Critics say it will be costly, ineffective

THE Federal Government is planning to make internet censorship compulsory for all Australians and could ban controversial websites on euthanasia or anorexia.

Australia's level of net censorship will put it in the same league as countries including China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea, and the Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national internet filter when it is introduced.

Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy Minister Stephen Conroy admitted the Federal Government's $44.2 million internet censorship plan would now include two tiers - one level of mandatory filtering for all Australians and an optional level that will provide a "clean feed", censoring adult material.

Despite planning to hold "live trials" before the end of the year, Senator Conroy said it was not known what content the mandatory filter would bar, with euthanasia or pro-anorexia sites on the chopping block.

"We are talking about mandatory blocking, where possible, of illegal material," he told a Senate Estimates Committee.

Previously the net nanny proposal was going to allow Australians who wanted uncensored access to the web the option to contact their internet service provider and be excluded from the service.

Groups including the System Administrators Guild of Australia and Electronic Frontiers Australia have slammed the proposal, saying it would unfairly restrict Australians' access to the web, slow internet speeds and raise the price of internet access.

EFA board member Colin Jacobs said it would have little effect on illegal internet content, including child pornography, as it would not cover peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.

"If the Government would actually come out and say we're only targeting child pornography it would be a different debate," he said.

But the Australian Christian Lobby yesterday welcomed the Government's proposals.

Its managing director Jim Wallace said he expected resistance from the industry but the measures were needed.

"The need to prevent access to illegal hard-core material and child pornography must be placed above the industry's desire for unfettered access," Mr Wallace said.


Latest Comment:

Jay of Brisbane writes:

Sounds like a good reason to take my education / tax payments to another country where I can live my life how I choose.

Posted at 4:11pm today


This "scheme" - I use it in the American sense of the word here - probably won't last. In the meantime, look for groups of users, corporations, and educational institutions to set up Haji nets with Ukranian satellite providers to bypass the filters alltogether. Or maybe not. Australians went out of their way to ban certain works of fiction and magazines - Playboy comes to mind here I think - so the need to limit access might run deep in the national culture. That, and Australians foolishly decided to give up their guns - the ultimate petition for regress - so who knows. Maybe you're getting what you asked for. Either way you have my sympathy.

Posted at 2:54pm today

David of Sydney writes: Here is Senator Conroys email address if all the 600 people who commented care to send there response.

Posted at 2:29pm today

Read all 671 comments

Posted 10/29/08 10:51 AM

Woodbury, CT
This is coming to America as well - no one should doubt it. Especially with an Obama presidency on the horizon. 

I don't want to sound paranoid, but I'd expect to see it liberally applied here. Much like what the democrats want to do with radio, internet sites will have their own "fairness doctrine". Sites related to alcohol and fast food will need to be blocked too, with our coming national healthcare system. 

This is the proverbial "slipper slope". 

I wouldn't be shocked if C4L showed up on the blocked sites list. 

Posted 10/29/08 11:24 AM

Syracuse, NY
I guess we're going to have to get some IT guys together and figure out how to make our own. 

Actually, I've seen something that might do the trick. I'll see if I can track it down again.

Posted 10/29/08 1:24 PM

Melbourne, FL
Why aren't the aussie's arguing on grounds of free speech and individual liberty?!?!?!

Posted 10/29/08 1:41 PM

Son Of Liberty
Erie, PA
fascism thru an thru

Posted 10/29/08 1:53 PM

one against many
Salt Lake City, UT
This is completely nuts and to be honest quite frightening. I have a significant portion of my money invested in Australian currency CDs but I may be tempted to reallocate funds it something like this were to pass.

Posted 10/29/08 2:37 PM

Phoenix, AZ
Yeah but will they block those pesky phony emails? I keep getting this one from some guy named Paulson, and it irritates me, 

Dear American: 

I need to ask you to support an urgent secret business relationship with a transfer of funds of great magnitude. 

I am Ministry of the Treasury of the Republic of America. My country has had crisis that has caused the need for large transfer of funds of 800 billion dollars US. If you would assist me in this transfer, it would be most profitable to you. 

I am working with Mr. Phil Gram, lobbyist for UBS, who will be my replacement as Ministry of the Treasury in January. As a Senator, you may know him as the leader of the American banking deregulation movement in the 1990s. This transactin is 100% safe. 

This is a matter of great urgency. We need a blank check. We need the funds as quickly as possible. We cannot directly transfer these funds in the names of our close friends because we are constantly under surveillance. My family lawyer advised me that I should look for a reliable and trustworthy person who will act as a next of kin so the funds can be transferred. 

Please reply with all of your bank account, IRA and college fund account numbers and those of your children and grandchildren to so that we may transfer your commission for this transaction. After I receive that information, I will respond with detailed information about safeguards that will be used to protect the funds. 

Yours Faithfully Minister of Treasury Paulson

Posted 10/29/08 3:18 PM

Syracuse, NY
How long do I have to access all of the internets? 

I wouldn't want to ever be associated with the 'enemy combatants' who frequent sites like '' or ''. 

Maybe I'll let a government agent read my mail too... Just in case anything questionable ever gets mailed to me, like a new copy of 'The Revolution: A Manifesto". 

Why I oughta...

Posted 10/29/08 4:13 PM

Wakefield, MA
c'mon guys, the Australian government is OBVIOUSLY only going to block the bad sites, and EVERYONE can agree on which sites are bad. I mean, really, the government has never abused its power before, right?

Posted 10/29/08 5:13 PM

West Valley City, UT


What you have there is fisching email - its fraud designed to seperate you from your money. They use that email to get you to give them personal information such as your bank account number and then take all your money from you. 

That you should forward over to your internet service provider so they can block them from your service. Or install anti-spam software. 

Posted 10/29/08 5:28 PM

Calgary, AB, Canada
This is scary stuff. I never thought Australia would be placed in the same category at China, North Korea and Cuba...