The Next Civil War For Historic America: Are You My Enemy?
American patriots you need to decide what your battle plans are. You can not wait any longer. Are you stored up? Are you prayed up? Have you stayed up figuring it all out? Have you decided that the time has come for you to take that same principled stand that your founders took to establish this FREE nation in the first place?........
by Former Kansas State Trooper, Greg Evensen, Ret.
Who’s Behind the Economic Collapse?
Joe Biden made headlines by talking about a “generated crisis” for a President Obama. But is the current financial meltdown another “generated crisis?” Considering the problems in the economy, including too much federal debt, too much spending and easy credit, which have been with us for years, why did this crisis suddenly occur only six weeks before the election?...
by Cliff Kincaid
Obama's Lesson from Abroad
Thanks to journalist Jerome Corsi, we now know for a fact that Democrat presidential candidate Barak Obama is joined at the hip with Kenya's Marxist thug Raila Odinga, now the country's Prime Minister. Obama campaigned for Odinga in 2006 and had the foreign policy aide in his U.S. Senate office (Mark Lippert) act as intermediary during Odinga's 2007 campaign for president which he lost last December.........
by Larry Pratt
Obama promises will change America to socialism
Oh good! Now we see millions paid for Obama’s 30-minute infomercial plastered everywhere on national TV accept Fox. What a shock he denied Fox of the privilege of his presence. It was choreographed, smooth, a literal, acted out movie designed to continue and enhance the national seduction. Don’t you dare look at the man behind the curtain.......
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 31 October 2008
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Britannia Radio