New TASER Weapons Produced For Crowd Control Central banks all but stop lending gold
Obama Sheeple Cheer Police Violation Of Free Speech
Police kicked protester Benjamin Harms off Belmont University campus this week before the presidential debate for the crime of "trespassing" as hundreds of mindless Obama supporters cheered the outright violation of free speech.
How To Solve the Financial Crisis: Get Rid of the Liars
After 7 years of lies from Bush, Cheney, Pelosi and the gang, people have stopped believing them.
• What the Pros Say: All that Glitters is Gold
• US Mulls Bank Stakes to Restore Credit Confidence
• New World Order: Global co-operation, nationalisation and state intervention
• Reports of another Great Depression were exaggeration - IMF
• AD: Making Thoughts Manifest Into Reality: The Secret Behind The Secret Of The Universe
• Did John Negroponte Help Create the Crisis?
• Gold & the Flood of Cheap Gov't Money
• Bailout Mania
• To the Bunkers!
• Media Endorse $700 Bn Economic ‘Rescue’
You Saw It Here First; Economic Crash, Banker Stick-Up Predicted Long Ago
While mainstream corporate media lied to Americans claiming economy was strong, we were warning about a "global crash" and a faux solution of "predatory globalism" nearly two years in advance.
Everyone’s favourite stun gun manufacturer Taser has unveiled it’s latest loving piece of “non lethal” technology, The Taser Shockwave. “Full area coverage is provided to instantaneously incapacitate multiple personnel within that region” Taser explains.
• AD: Build Your Own Solar Panels and Save $$$ On Electricity Bills - Simple & Easy!
Central banks have all but stopped lending gold to commercial and investment banks and other participants in the precious metals market, in a move that on Tuesday sent the cost of borrowing bullion for one-month to more than twenty times its usual level.
• Banking on gold
• World markets in turmoil despite global interest rate cuts
• The next burden: inflation
• David Icke On The Financial Coup
• Risky Credit Default Swaps Linked to Financial Troubles
• Rate cuts boost gold, silver, higher prices imminent
• China state paper lashes US monetary policy
• Asian stocks battered on fears for global economy
• Russian banks get $36 BLN shot in the arm
• Federal Reserve Goes Commercial
• The Government got you into this mess so don’t trust them to get you out of it, says rogue trader Nick Leeson
Thursday, 9 October 2008
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Britannia Radio