STATEWATCH..and we’re supposed to worry about the BNP..
By centurean2
EU: European Criminal Record Information System: ECRIS 11. UK: The creeping database state 12. EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Annual report on access to documents 13. EU: RETURNS DIRECTIVE: Migreurop: first effects 14. EU-PNR scheme being ...
Centurean2's Weblog -
October 28, 2008 · No Comments
Morocco To Be Integrated In the EU: Developing The Union for the Mediterranean I
Posted by Anders under English, Euromed
In 1995 the Barcelona or the Euromediterranean Declaration was launched. In Naples onDec.2-3, 2003 at the VI. Euromediterranean Foreign Minister Conference, the EU promised the citizens of the then 9, now 11 Muslim partner countries and Israel EU´s 4 fundamental freedoms - including free movement of people into the EU in return for political and democratic progress. On July 13, 2008, the Union for the Mediterranean based on the Barcelona Declaration was proclaimed in Paris - and we were never told what this all means.
Now, how is this process proceeding?
EU-Press Release Oct. 13, 2008At the seventh meeting of the EU-Morocco Association Council today, the EU approved a package of measures designed to strengthen the partnership with Morocco.
These measures concern in particular cooperation in political and security matters, the preparation of a comprehensive and deeper free trade agreement, the gradual integration of Morocco into a number of EU sectoral policies, and the development of people-to-people exchanges.
At the meeting, Ms Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and the Neighbourhood Policy, said: “Morocco is undertaking a raft of reforms in all areas. It has asked for Advanced Status in our Neighbourhood Policy, stronger links with Europe to consolidate what has already been achieved and to give fresh impetus to its modernisation and democratic transition process.
The Commission has done its utmost to respond to Morocco’s expectations and we have made a great many proposals in the areas that are within our competence. I welcome their adoption today by the Association Council.”
In the political field the proposals include the establishment, on an ad hoc basis, of an EU-Morocco summit, ministerial-level concertation mechanisms, an invitation to Morocco to be present in the wings of certain EU Council ministerial or working group meetings (e.g. meetings of foreign or transport ministers, the Council’s Maghreb-Mashrek and Africa groups), negotiation of a framework agreement for Morocco’s participation in crisis-management operations, etc.
In economic and other policy matters, the proposals are for harmonisation of laws and rules in a gradual process beginning with priority sectors. It is also proposed that trade relations be developed by means of a comprehensive and deeper free trade agreement covering new areas (public procurement, intellectual property rights, capital movements, competition, sustainable development, etc.).
The working group also recommended establishing closer relations between new stakeholders in the partnership between the EU and Morocco, in particular between the European Parliament and the Moroccan Chamber of Representatives, business associations, economic and social councils, and between Morocco and the Council of Europe.
EU-Moroccan Action Plan or how the EU abuses our confidence shown, when we voted for the Amsterdam and Nice Treaties
“The enlargement of the European Union, which became fact on 1 May 2004, has profoundly altered the political, geographical, economic and social situation of the Union, providing the opportunity to consolidate and deepen its relations with the neighbouring countries to the East and South.”
The European neighbourhood policy will go beyond the current association and offer the EU’s neighbours a deepening of the political relationship and the prospect of a significant measure of economic integration through gradual integration in the EU internal market.
This Action Plan has a timeframe of three to five years
No wonder since according to the Brussels Journal of March 28, 2007, EU Commissioner Louis Michel
in 2002 told the Belgian Parliament that the EU was to comprise North Africa and the Middle East!!! (Paul Bélien´s wife is a long-tme member of the Belgian Parliament)
The European Neighbourhood Policy opens new partnership perspectives:
1. The prospect of moving beyond the existing relationship to a significant degree of integration, including offering Morocco a stake in the internal market and the possibility of participating progressively in key aspects of EU policies and programmes;•
2. the opportunity for convergence of economic legislation, the opening of economies to each other, and the continued reduction of trade barriers, increased financial support: the EU will grant additional financial assistance to Morocco.
The EIB will also help support infrastructure investment and private sector development and partnership through the FEMIP facility.
3. The Commission will be proposing a new European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Community fora and programmes, particularly in the areas covered by the Action Plan;• support • deepening trade and economic relations;
4. establishing a constructive dialogue on visa issues between the EU and Morocco, including the examination of visa facilitation in compliance with the acquis;•
5. Enhanced direct cooperation between administrations participating in institutionalised thematic subcommittees. In light of the fulfilment of the objectives of this Action Plan and of the overall evolution of EU-Morocco relations, consideration will be given to the possibility of a new contractual relationship. The Commission has suggested that this could take the form of a European Neighbourhood Agreement Priority.
6. Enhanced political dialogue on the CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) and ESDP (European Defence and Security Policy).
7. The development of a trade market
8. The development of a climate conducive to foreign direct investment, growth and sustainable development;
9. Development of the energy sector.10. Development of the transport sector and inter-connection with the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T);• The logo to the right is from a TEN project. Any similarity with the New World Order pyramid in the header of this blog is probably intended. For11. Cooperate to make multilateral institutions and conventions more effective, so as to reinforce global governance, strengthen coordination on initiatives for combating security threats a address related development issues.
12. The EU and Morocco may after three years decide on the next step
in the development of bilateral relations, including the possibility of new contractual links.
13. Participate actively in political dialogue and the Euro-Mediterranean exchange of information on the ESDP at the level of the PSC (Political and Security Committee) and the Senior Officials Group for political and security cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
13. Continue exchanges of information on the ESDP with the Council Secretariat and the
Commission using the established points of contact.
14. Facilitate the movement of goods and improve administrative cooperation
15. Continue efforts to liberalise establishment and foreign investment (other than establishment in the services sector).
16. Gradual liberalisation of trade in services between Morocco and the European Union.
17. Full liberalisation of capital movements once the necessary conditions are met according to Article 34 of the Association Agreement: (Arab capital can now buy our media and banks more easily)
18. 2.3.4 Movement of persons, particularly workers, and coordination of social security. Full implementation of commitments under Articles 64-67 of the Association Agreement
19. Ensure full application of the clause on equal treatment irrespective of nationality as regards
working conditions, remuneration and dismissal.
20. Ensure full application of the clause on non-discrimination in the area of social security for workers and members of their families.
21. Ensuring the effective management of migration flows. Improve cooperation with regard to the readmission of Moroccan nationals, stateless persons and nationals of third countries.22. Information campaigns in Morocco on legal migration opportunities to the EU (including familyreunification, equal treatment for and integration of migrants) and on the risks of illicit migrationand, in Europe, information campaigns on the positive aspects of migration.
23. Allow Morocco to benefit from the possibilities offered by the EU programmes on migration.
24. Improve cultural cooperation
25.Strengthen intercultural dialogue, in particular by promoting language teaching and
disseminating Moroccan culture in the EU.
26. Foster the creation of Morocco-EU cultural areas.
27. Step up and facilitate the development of civil society networks.
“Hurrah - You decadent Europeans surrendered voluntarily! Finally our beloved Shariah can return victoriously to Europe. Your infidel ancestors drove us out of our Al Andalus 500 years ago, where we had finally elimianted practially any Christianity 500 years after after our beloved Prophet. Allahu-akbar!!!”
And so it came to pass that the EU fulfilled its promise to the “partner” countries from 2-3 Dec. Naples meeting on the 4 EU freedoms: Free motility for goods, services, capital and people”.
The report from the VI. Euromed. Foreign Minister Conference in Naples in 2003 to which I link is a copy, I have laid out on my list of publications - the original report having been removed.
The official report in the right margin of this blog now contains no report on this promise: We are not to know!The access of Morocco into the defence and police planning of the EU means that we may theoretically see Moroccan police officers in Europe in the future!
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