Monday, 13 October 2008

Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin to Hold Rally in Medford, Oregon
Baldwin is expected to comment on the latest government bailouts and the accelerating meltdown of the US financial system as well as other issues facing the United States and its citizens. The anxiously anticipated rally will be held at Medford's Ramada Inn Convention Center. The popular pastor and talk show host has repeatedly blasted the political establishment and its tools -- the news media, public education, and bureaucrats who work for........
by NWV News

Presidential election: one giant fraud
My last column on hold your nose and vote brought a ton of email. Americans are clearly going ballistic over McCain and Obama being their 'only choices'. Some people sent mail accusing me of trying to get Obama elected by promoting a write in effort for Ron Paul, i.e.,: "Devvy, you write a good argument against McCain and Obama but your answer to vote for a write in does not cut it.".........
by Devvy Kidd

The Raping of the American Investor
The American people have just been severely violated in the name of the 2008 Credit Crisis. In the arena of investing, the concept of “buying and holding” a security has been gold. The idea being that the “market always comes back.” However, the problem is that you have to wait for the market to come back which may take years and you might break even. Last Friday one of the business channels interviewed a financial expert said that buy and hold was best. How......
by Joan Veon

Jump, You Wall Street Criminals
When AIG gorged on an $85 billion bailout, their executives spent $442,000.00 on a weekend retreat to celebrate their fleecing of the American taxpayer. Soon after, Congress passed a whopping $700,000 billion bailout for the rest of the banking industry criminals who wrote five million fraudulent mortgage loans to illegal aliens at no money down. Amazingly enough, both presidential candidates don’t know their financial butts from a gopher hole in the ground, but they, too, voted for the bailout using your money!.......
by Frosty Wooldridge

Watered down’ safety policies are approved
By Justin Stares
EUROPEAN Union transport ministers have agreed to radically reduced versions of two controversial maritime safety directives, raising the possibility that the ‘Erika 3’ package of legislation might finally become law before the end of ...
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Copyright Law by Country
By Kate(Kate)
European Union members, 70 years after death. 70 years after publication or if not published 70 years after creation (anonymous works) Until year end. Art. 1 (1), Directive 2006/116/EC. Art. 1 (3), (6), ibid. Art. 8, ibid. ...
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