Property Taxes: An Easy Ride For Lazy Public Officials
Property taxes across the nation are an evil that prey on the family home. Public officials claim the property tax is the only sources of available income to fund public safety and other money hungry services. This is not so. The respective states each pull in billions of tax dollars annually to fund many unnecessary socialistic welfare programs, and they never have enough.......
by John Taft
The Terrorist Attack of 2010
They certainly applied this principle when they made Obama a king, nay, a messiah, and former President Bush a pariah. For the Hated One, the incessant chant was, in so many words, “Bush lied and people died,” sung to the accompaniment of gratuitously negative reportage about the Iraq War. For the Chosen One, it was the melodious tune, “Change, Unity and Hope,” sung at a volume that drowned out background noise about Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Antoin Rezko, the nuts with ACORN and Obama’s membership in the socialist.........
by Selwyn Duke
Our Enemies Can't Wait for Their Hero Obama to Get Elected
I am accused often of being too supportive of Israel and the Jews. Let me remind a few of you of something. Since when are we to subtly or overtly support the annihilation of a race of people, regardless of their nationality or religious views? I know that some of you are convinced that I am, but I am no Jew. However, I certainly can't help but notice the ENDLESS attacks since 1948 they have endured at the hands of Nazi type racists, bent on their annihilation........
by Laurie Roth
Saturday, 25 October 2008
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Britannia Radio