Read and digest the implications of this.
Don’t for a moment think that Brown has been hijacked or coerced by
the EU - he hasn’t. This sell out of the one unique asset we
possessed - The City - was done at his instance and to further his
aims. The City was always a semi-autonomous power-base, something he
could never tolerate.
Whether through malice or sheer incompetence he destroyed its
preeminence by allowing uncontrolled credit expansion and despite
warnings built up the pressure which has engulfed us all. He ignored
all the warnings of an econmomic meltdown and was surprised by being
‘outflanked’ by a financial banking collapse instead.
Now he sits at the centre of the EU web which is planning a total
control of all financial levers in a one-size-fits-all EU-wide mesh.
He is in his element because in Brussels he is answerable to nobody!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
An object of contempt
When in October 1962, Hugh Gaitskell electrified the Labour Party
conference with his 105 minute speech, wholly dedicated to the Common
Market, he delivered a singular and now oft-quoted passage that has
proved to be wholly accurate. "We must be clear about this," he said:
… it does mean, if this is the idea, the end of Britain as an
independent European state … it means the end of a thousand years of
history. You may say, "let it end". But my goodness, it is a decision
that needs a little care and thought.
It is worth noting in passing that Gaitskell had opened his speech by
observing that the level of debate in the media over this "crucial,
complex and difficult issue" had not been high. In some things, it
seems, nothing changes.
Gaitskell went on to say that if Britain was to join the EEC, she
would be "no more than a state … in the United States of Europe, such
as Texas and California". Britain would become no more than "a
province of Europe".
If anything, this "province of Europe" now has less power than either
Texas or California – although the transfer of powers to Brussels is
patchy. We have kept some, and lost others. But, in terms of
engineering our financial salvation, we have little more power than a
County Council.
That much Gaitskell predicted, more or less, but what he cannot have
bargained for was that, when the moment arrived when it was displayed
to all the world that Britain had brought upon itself the status of a
"province", no one would recognise it for what it was - or care.
Surely, it is that, and only that which we can take from the
extraordinary apathy over the Brown's bank bail-out? The fact that
committing billions of expenditure to this mad scheme has not
required the approval of Parliament – the bail-out announced and
implemented without even a debate, much less a vote – while the
approval of our masters in Brussels was required, seems to have
passed virtually without comment.
Speaking with a number of MPs yesterday, however, it is evident that
some do care. In fact, a small number feel passionately about this
issue, one describing it as "outrageous" that there had not been a
debate. But there is another dynamic at play – especially in the
Labour ranks, one which also infects the ranks of the opposition.
Many MPs, it seems, are so completely out of their depth in this
crisis – and we know exactly how that feels – that they are quite
happy to "leave it to Gordon". He and only he is able to give the
impression (for what little time he has left before the economy goes
completely belly-up) that he is actually in control.
That Gordon is working so closely with the "colleagues" on this is a
matter of supreme indifference to these MPs. They are just thankful
that someone else – anyone else – is taking the responsibility for
sorting out the mess so that they can get back to discussing bicycle
That this moral cowardice has also infected the ranks of the
opposition is evidenced by this extraordinary post on Tory Diary.
This confirms that the Conservative front bench has decided to opt
out of the "bank rescue" debate. Instead, they have decided to give
Brown his head and then move in behind him, later to argue about the
"real economy", gaining what advantage they can there.
That, in itself, explains both the "bipartisan support" and lack of
any expression of outrage from the opposition front benches at the
quite unprecedented marginalisation of Parliament.
But, if this tactical retreat by the Conservative opposition has
brought it any advantage – at that remains to be seen – it has been
purchased at a terrible price, paid in Brussels and in Parliament
In Brussels, scarcely concealed, the mood is of exuberance – triumph
even. Financial services integration has been the Holy Grail of the
"colleagues", the glittering prize of control of the financial
centres of the European capitals (bar one – Zurich) having been their
dream for decades.
Slowly, insidiously, they have been tightening their grip against the
stolid resistance of the member states, which have been mounting a
rear-guard action against the encroachment.
That, in part, is why financial regulation is such a mess – a mish-
mash of member state "legacy" laws, overlaid by an incoherent veneer
of EU law, introduced with no logic other than that which has been
possible to impose in the face of sustained opposition.
For sure, in the very early days of this current crisis, the
"colleagues" were in some disarray. But, in retrospect (and even at
the time) the Ecofin meeting last week was the watershed, the turning
Since then, as events have unfolded, this has become the ultimate
"beneficial crisis". The logjams of past resistance have been swept
away and the EU is preparing to forge ahead with a torrent of new
financial services legislation, the member states now willingly co-
operating in the transfer of power.
There is a new confidence in Brussels as Jean-Claude Juncker,
Luxembourg premier and Eurogroup chair, announces the "colleagues'"
plan to "civilise" capitalism. "Let everyone remember after this
crisis, who solved it. Politicians did, not bankers," says Juncker.
Those who have been predicting the downfall of the European Union –
not least this blogger – would do well to remember the words of the
19th Century German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche: "What does not
kill us makes us stronger."
If, by the end of this crisis – if it ever ends – the EU is not a
smouldering wreck, it will emerge stronger, more powerful, more
arrogant than before – and it will destroy the City of London and
what remains of our prosperity with it. It will regulate it to death.
On the home front, in Parliament, the butcher's bill is on the table.
Already on the wane, MPs have lost what little authority they had
Faced with a confident, assertive and powerful House, what prime
minister at the height of an unprecedented crisis would have dared
leave Prime Minister's Questions to the cleaning lady, while he
rushed off to Brussels to cavort so openly with the "colleagues"? The
House, last Wednesday, was treated with contempt.
Problematically, the virus of contempt is spreading. Before PMQs was
Northern Ireland Questions, the secretary of state Sean Woodward -
and renegade Tory MP - heavily infected. The situation in Ulster is
deteriorating rapidly: the devolution agreement is breaking down, the
devolved government has not met for months and the established
political parties are falling apart, leaving a leadership vacuum.
Into that vacuum, there is creeping a dangerous band of dissidents,
worming their way into the body politic and onto the streets. It is
only a matter of time, many fear, before blood is once again shed.
At the centre of the intractable dispute between the parties is the
final stage of the settlement, the devolution of justice and policing
– the turnkey which will allow Stormont to become a fully-fledged
government. Progress is all but stalled.
Into the fray last Wednesday, therefore, leapt Owen Paterson, shadow
secretary of state for Northern Ireland. He asked Woodward for an
assurance that the government would not intervene, as is rumoured it
intends, and re-assert direct rule for the purpose of imposing a
settlement over the heads of local communities – in breach of the St.
Andrews agreement.
It was a valid question and deserved – no, needed – an honest answer.
Lives are at stake. Yet Woodward evaded the question, delivering a
torrent of extruded verbal material, leaving this vital issue hanging.
In this and a hundred other ways, Parliament is being treated with
contempt. Having surrendered its powers – won at the cost of blood by
our ancestors - in part to Brussels and, to a great extent, to the
Executive – it has been fatally weakened. And, in being treated with
contempt, it is also an object of contempt.
We will be the losers – we are the losers. In no manner, shape or
form are we any longer a parliamentary democracy. The blood that
flows as a result will not be confined to the streets of Ulster, any
more than it could be before.
Posted by Richard North
Friday, 17 October 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio