Stepping to Perdition
Those who have not God’s Spirit, through the Lord Jesus Christ, have no discernment. They are entirely separated from - and denied - a knowledge of the consequence of their actions and have no true understanding of cause and effect. This is readily apparent, as one is witness to the blundering and inimical actions of our politicians. Some of these may be brilliant of mind, but they are spiritually dull and have been delivered unto delusional beliefs and false conceptions.....
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.
Biden Exposed Himself to Palin
Among other accomplishments, Biden bragged to Palin that he had authored the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). No response from Palin. No response from moderator Gwen Ifill. But, that’s not surprising. Have you ever heard just once any law professor, politician, or talkshow host publicly challenge Joe Biden on this pernicious, misandrist, unlawful legislation-turned-industry? Never: invented rights for women are off the table.......
by Marc Rudov
Fannie, Freddie and the Fools in Washington, D.C.
Now Jesse Jackson is roaming around the country with a new theme song titled, “Save the Dream.” He showed up in Michigan last October to help Gov. Granholm launch her very own “Save the Dream” campaign, whereby the state’s Housing Development Authority will implement two proposed public assistance programs to help low-income Michigan residents who are facing foreclosure. Granholm has endorsed both programs, of course, and has urged Michigan’s lawmakers to introduce and pass enabling legislation.......
by Carole CJ Williams
Gun Control: Common Sense or Common Cause?
Registration and licensing have consistently proven ineffective in combating crime. Two of Obama’s major campaign contributors represent clients who would earn fortunes from firearms registration. As has been said before, follow the money if you want to divine a candidate’s true motives........
by Howard Nemerov
Banking Bill Bails Out China
In another strange twist, in order to get around the constitutional requirement that revenue raising bills must originate in the House, the Senate attached the Wall Street takeover plan to a House bill, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007. The socialist-style bailout passed 74-25 with one senator (the ailing Senator Ted Kennedy) not voting. Of the 25 opponents, 15 were Republicans.......
by Cliff Kincaid
Saturday, 4 October 2008
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Britannia Radio