That Rothschild Clan In Full: Eccentricity, Money, Influence And Scandal 'Nat Rothschild’s career path – from playboy to plutocrat – has to be seen against the backdrop of his family history, studded as it is with eccentrics who were torn between loyalty to an immense and powerful name and the urge to break away from the clan.' Defense Secretary John Hutton Backs European Army 'John Hutton has become the first defence secretary to back a French plan for a European army, branding those who dismiss it as “pathetic”. In a wide-ranging interview with The Sunday Times, he said: “I think we’ve got to be pragmatic about those things. Where it can help, we should be part of it.” His support goes beyond the public position of Gordon Brown, the prime minister, and will antagonise those who believe that further European cooperation will undermine Nato by excluding the United States. Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has sought to develop Europe’s military structures with new headquarters and rapid reaction forces, each consisting of 1,500 troops from member countries.' Banks Exploit Legal Loophole To Seize Homes 'Banks and credit card companies are exploiting obscure legal powers to seize the homes of thousands of people who cannot pay their credit card bills. In some cases, people owing as little as £1,000 have been served with charging orders – the legal instrument enabling a creditor to order the sale of a property.The practice has emerged days after Yvette Cooper, chief secretary to the Treasury, called on banks to do more to allow people to keep their homes. According to the Ministry of Justice, 97,026 charging orders were granted by courts in England and Wales last year, a tenfold increase since 2000.' Darling Knew About Potential Icelandic Bank Meltdown Weeks In Advance 'Alistair Darling was alerted to the possibility of a meltdown of Icelandic banks 'weeks' before they collapsed, taking billions of pounds of British savers' cash invested in them. A transcript of a private telephone conversation on October 7 between the Chancellor and an Icelandic government minister shows that Mr Darling had been 'very concerned' about the country's banks well before they failed.' Laser Beam Spy Camera Joins War On Terrorism 'A laser that can scan a crowd and identify people who have been handling explosives is being secretly tested at British airports and railway stations. The device - no bigger than a shoe box - could also be used by police and MI5 surveillance teams to identify Islamic terrorists outside mosques or community centres. The laser can pick out suspects in large crowds and highlight explosive residue on their clothing and luggage.' Multi-millionaire Nat Rothschild 'Behind Osborne's £200,000 Gift' 'Shadow Chancellor George Osborne was embroiled in a new row last night over claims that multi-millionaire playboy and financier Nat Rothschild was responsible for bankrolling him with nearly £200,000 of funding. Authoritative sources close to Mr Rothschild, a friend and ally of Peter Mandelson, say a £190,000 donation to Mr Osborne's office last year - declared as coming from Lady Serena Rothschild - was paid because she was urged to do so by her son, Nat.'Sunday, 26 October 2008 Sunday, 26 October 2008 Sunday, 26 October 2008 Sunday, 26 October 2008 Sunday, 26 October 2008 Sunday, 26 October 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
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Britannia Radio