What’s happening in this terrifying, Orwellian US presidential race is the flip side of the madness that’s been on display since 9/11 itself, when swathes of the UK population decided that ‘America had it coming to it’ because it supported Israel, and that George W Bush was the most dangerous man on the planet. After the Iraq war started this irrationality swelled into pathological proportions on both sides of the Atlantic, when the ‘Bush lied, people died’ narrative fuelled a hatred of Bush and ‘the neocons’ exceeded in its hallucinatory and murderous venom only by the truly deranged way in which the media and intelligentsia systematically either ignored evidence that did not fit this narrative or, even more astoundingly, reported it in such a way that it delivered the opposite of what was actually happening or being said. In this way not... Stories mocking the absurd evangelical atheism bus, the stunt dreamed up by the fundamentalist missionaries at the British Humanist Association and the Guardian, prompt another vignette from the Richard Dawkins/John Lennox debate last weekreported here. The bus (pictured above on the BHA website) trumpets on its side the message:Sunday, 26th October 2008
The sacrifice of truth to power
9:33pmThe bus to Planet Hedonism
9:04pmThere’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life
which has provoked a measure of ridicule that supposed atheists don’t even have the courage of their negative convictions. (I’ll wager that Pascal might have agreed). The bus is also being financially backed by Richard Dawkins. But when Lennox asked him about its message, he became visibly uncomfortable. He had wanted it to sayThere’s almost certainly no God, so live your life to the full
but he had been overruled by ‘the woman on the Guardian’. Apart...
Monday, 27 October 2008
Posted by Britannia Radio at 10:13