Who is Vera Baker? Some people in Chicago claim she was Obama’s Finance Director for his 2004 Senate campaign. FEC Senate campaign records show she was paid a pretty penny as “Finance Director”. However, people familiar with Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign say Claire Serdiuk was Obama’s Finance Director. Looking through everything we can see online for that 2004 campaign, Claire Serdiuk is consistently listed as the Finance Director - because that’s what she was. There’s no mention of Vera Baker…but Vera Baker was paid as the “Finance Director” too. And then, suddenly, Vera Baker was relocated to New York. Right around the time Michelle Obama got incredibly angry about something. We know it was hard to tell, because Michelle’s angry about something on a good day…but this was EXTRA angry. And then, even more suddenly, Vera Baker was relocated to the island of Martinique, where she remains. We hear it’s lovely there. They get lots of sunshine on Sundays. Paradise. A lovely place to read between the lines and ask lots of questions. All reporters should go there and feel inspired. Does anyone else get the impression the media doesn’t want to report on people like Vera Baker until after the election — and that both the Clinton and McCain campaigns have been unable to force them to do otherwise? Do you ever get the feeling reporters sit around, perhaps on top of piles of stories they choose not to report, asking each other, “You don’t really want McCain to win, do you?”. Of course they don’t. The piles make better chairs than stories. “We’re all so comfy!” That’s why you’ve never heard of Vera Baker…and most likely won’t in the next three weeks. At the bottom of each page is a notation from another FAX machine, indicating the date, page number and time. Unlike the pages faxed from Judge Surrick’s fax at 18:09, the “name” of the fax sender is blank, presumably so the sender’s identity could not be seen, and obviously with the sender unaware that the date and time would be stamped on it. The fax began from this mystery fax at 04:55P on October 24, 2008, and ended at 05:11P. So is this why the Obama Campaign and David Plouffe stated yesterday that "we now have a clear path to Victory"?SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2008
UPDATE OF SURRICK ORDER (Courts & Judges Integrity questionable)
This update will address three additional findings concerning this order and its actual author(s).
1. The "mystery Fax (header on the bottom of the 36 pages) began at 4:55PM and ended at 5:11PM for a total of 16 minutes. But where was the "mystery fax" machine located?
2. The fax from Judge Surricks office to Phillip Berg started at 18:09 or (6:09PM) and ended at 18:16 or (6:16PM) for a total of 7 minutes. Now what would cause a whole 9 minute discrepancy in the transmission times of a fax on the exact same number of pages? And even a slower machine would not cause a difference of more than double the time of transmission for the same number of pages.
3. The ORDER has no file/date stamp on the document at any page whatsoever which is required and is standard Court procedure. Why?
Judge R. Barclay Surrick, whether intentional or not, has created a situation that challenges the very integrity of the US District Court for the Eastern District of PA as well as the integrity of the Judge himself.
All of these issues must be address without delay, and the owner and location of the "mystery Fax" must be disclosed immediately with explanation as to why a ruling said to be issued by Judge Surrick, was in reality Faxed to Judge Surrick? The first and only Fax header that should be on the ruling when faxed to Attorney Philip J Berg should have been none other than that of Judge Surrick alone.SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2008
I was sent this interesting side note and thought it was worth sharing. What makes the question of Conflict of Interest even more interesting is this.
The original faxed decision from the Clerk of the US District Court for the Eastern District of PA to attorney Philip J Berg appears to have been faxed to Judge Surrick for him to sign. But if this is the case, the questions becomes who wrote the decision and faxed it for the Judges signature?
The attached file of the original fax shows another fax header on the bottom of the page with the number missing (look at the lower left corner of the page and then the lower right corner with the page number). A fax copy of the decision from Judge Surrick was faxed to Mr. Berg from the Judge’s Chambers, pages 1-36, beginning at 18:09 October 24, 2008, and that is clearly notated by the receiving fax, starting at page 01/36. Page 36/36 is marked 18:16 October 24, 2008. What is interesting is not at the TOP of the fax pages; it is at the bottom. The ruling issued by Judge Surrick (?) was actually faxed to the Judge by someone (?) at 4:55 pm and the question is who? Did the Obama Attorney's or Surricks old Law Clerk, Christopher Seaman, (who just happens to be employed by Sidley-Austin, the former employer of Barack & Michelle Obama, et al.) write the ruling dismissing the Berg suit?PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS KNOWINGLY FALSIFIED BERG SUIT STORY
The Philadelphia Daily News reported that US District Court Judge Surrick found Berg's suit to be "ridiculous" and "patently false". Judge Surrick never made any such claim in his ruling, claiming that a US Citizen (Philip J. Berg) does not have standing.
What the Philadelphia Daily News failed to state in its report is that they published the Obama Campaigns statements filed on behalf of Barack Obama and the DNC in their motion to dismiss and for a protective order. This is the biased media yet again being used by Barack Obama to tell out right lies to the American Voter. Obama Attorney LaVelle, in his motion to dismiss and motion for protective order claimed Berg's suit was "ridiculous" and "patently false". The Courts ruling never once used either of these phrases as reported by the Philly Daily News doing Obama damage control.
Call the Daily News and its parent the Philadelphia Inquirer and demand that they publish a correction and admit to knowingly misrepresenting the facts to the American and PA Voters. Inquirer & Daily News 215-854-4500 or 215-854-2000
Cannot wait to see Barack Obama explain to the American People why he feels American Citizens do not have standing under the US Constitution to challenge him and his fraud!
Fox News and the Associated Press finally report the Berg v Obama action. Maybe soon Obama will have to address his Larry Sinclair actions!MAJOR ENDORSEMENT FOR OBAMA?
In the same endorsement of Obama, Larijani went on to say that Iran is not worried that the US will take any action against Iran as the US is weak and is completely comsumed in its current economic worries.
This from the same Country who says Isreal and the US will be destroyed! Not mention that Iranian President claims there are no Gays or Bi-Sexuals in Iran. I guess an Obama official visit to Iran would result in his arrest for his sexual orientation.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
The previous post questioned the actual author of the "ORDER" allegedly issued by US District Court Judge R. Barclay Surrick (I left off the title "Honorable" as that remains to be determined).
The Philadelphia Daily News (a pro Obama Newspaper) knowingly falsified the ruling of US District Court Judge Surrick.
Iran has officially endorsed Barack Obama for President of the United States!. Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, did on October 21, 2008 announce that Iran supports Barack Obama's bid for President of the United States.
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Britannia Radio