DEBKAfile Special Report October 7, 2008, 10:17 PM (GMT+02:00) Syrian Russian-made T-80 tank Syria moved tank units up to the Lebanese Beqaa Valley border Tuesday, Oct. 7. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that this is Damascus’ second troop movement on the Lebanese border. For three weeks, commando units have been poised on the North Lebanese border. Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak on an announced visit to the border troops cautioned officers to exercise maximum vigilance. DEBKAfile Exclusive Report October 7, 2008, 11:39 AM (GMT+02:00) Russian S-300 would make Iran's nuclear sites nearly inviolable Russian military experts calculate that the window for an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities will shrink to 3-6 months ifMoscow sells Iran (and Syria) the sophisticated S-300 system for guarding those sites against air, missile or cruise missile attack.DEBKAfile’s Moscow sources report that Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert failed in the key missions of his Moscow trip to persuade Russian leaders to discuss Tehran’s nuclear weapons program and to refrain from selling this advanced weapon to Iran and Syria. Syrian tanks advance to Lebanese Beqaa Valley border. Israel forces on high alert
More...Israeli has 3-6 months to hit Iran’s nuclear sites if Moscow sells Tehran S-300 systems
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
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Britannia Radio