To construct the pipeline he will have to cross a lot of private land. Those landowners will receive (if they haven't already) a letter from T. Boone Pickens explaining that he wants to buy some of their land. If they refuse he will simply use the power of eminent domain to take it......
by Tom DeWeese
Beware of the Red Dot
The battle of the bailout is over. We lost. Despite the unprecedented opposition, despite everything we did, I doubt that many of my readers and listeners thought we could win. Now we need to analyze what happened, what it means and, most important, where it could take us. We do have some hints. First, consider that the people of this country have never before expressed such rage, such antipathy to a bill. According to one report, the people were 300 to one against it.......
by Alan Stang
Plastic Outrage - Children in Danger
The overall problem is that many chemicals within plastic can be released from the plastic. In some cases this causes direct exposure damage, as is the case with infants and children. Another angle on the problem is that these chemicals massively pollute our oceans, are getting into the food supply as well as adversely affecting many species of life, and are accumulating in our groundwater........
by Byron Richards, CCN
We have rejected God, rejected His Truth, and rejected His Son. We have embraced death, celebrate death, and subsidize death. We are a congregation of the dead. Our government is corrupt because our people are corrupt. Our people are corrupt because our churches are corrupt. Most serve mammon and give lip-service to God. Pastors beg the government to permit them to preach what God has commanded them to say. No man can serve two masters.
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
McCain Follows Obama Down the Same Socialist Road
Rather than rescue anything, these airheads have endorsed a socialist-style takeover of the financial sector, paid for with more federal spending and debt. To make matters worse, they won’t label it for what it issocialism. The situation is now so bad that Republican presidential candidate, John McCain, tried to move to the left of the Democrat, Barack Obama, during Tuesday night’s debate......
by Cliff Kincaid
Laurie Roth to Interview Dr. Jerry Corsi, Tonight
When will the American people start connecting the dots? When will they wake up to the fact that Obama is not the smooth talking agent of compassionate change! He is the Manchurian Candidate! He is the master of deception! He is a pretend Christian as Odinga is and will be deadly to our country, bill of rights and constitution if elected........
by Lurie Roth
America's Greatest Danger this November: Millions of Illegal Voters
November 4, 2008 marks the first time in U.S. history whereby countless foreign nationals known as illegal aliens or non-citizensmay contaminate the U.S. presidential and Congressional elections. When all it takes to win may be a few percentage points, illegal aliens grow in their power to throw an election. A recent report shows 80,000 Chicago illegals registered to vote.......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 9 October 2008
T. Boone Pickens: New Kind of Prairie Rustler
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Britannia Radio