Friday, 17 October 2008

Thursday, 16 October 2008

God Help Us. This Will Soon Be A Country More Spied Upon Than Communist East Germany Under The Stasi

'We live at a time when many of the certainties taken for granted by our parents and grandparents are being destroyed under our very eyes. Even in the socialist Seventies, no one imagined the Government could control not one, not two, but three High Street banks. Our forefathers also believed, with some justification, that Britain was the freest country in the world.' 


Thursday, 16 October 2008

Brown Bail-out Under Threat As Bank Seeks Better Deal

'Gordon Brown's lauded banking bail-out risked unravelling last night as Lloyds TSB lobbied the government to ease the repayment conditions attached to an emergency injection of taxpayers' money. The urgent attempt to renegotiate parts of the bail-out terms - and allow rescued banks to pay a dividend to their shareholders - came as the stock market wiped out all of the gains made in the euphoria following the bank rescue package, amid anxiety that the global economy was plunging into recession.'


Thursday, 16 October 2008

Security Services Want Personal Data From Sites Like Facebook

'The government is drawing up plans to give the police and security and intelligence agencies new powers to access personal data held by internet services, including social network sites such as Facebook and Bebo and gaming networks.'


Thursday, 16 October 2008

How Schools Are Preparing Pupils For A Police State

'Somehow I missed this news item, and maybe you did, too. Then again, perhaps the mainstream media took pains to keep this one quiet, hoping the fire wouldn’t hit the fan. It seems that in 2003 an honor student in Arizona at Safford Middle School named Savana Redding, an eighth-grader with no disciplinary record, was strip-searched — and I mean really strip-searched, down to the crotch of her panties — in pursuit of nonprescription ibuprofen tablets.'