Thursday, 30 October 2008

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Europe responds, then backs down again

click here to go to the blogThe clenched fist of Europe, taut with righteous indigantion and outrage, will now not so much smash down on the fighters who are killing, raping and burning people in the DRC, as smash down on a table as part of "diplomatic efforts" where they will be "leaning on" the DRC and Rwanda. After years of talking and promises of carrots the consequences...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Government spin in call for cheaper fuel

click here to go to the blogOf the 99.9p some people are paying for a litre of unleaded, around 70p is 'duty' that the government has slapped on petrol. The government is not proposing to reduce its punitive taxation on petrol, it is actually waiting to slap another 2p of duty on the price of a litre of fuel. And do not forget that we also pay VAT on fuel and the duty so the...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Another fine mess

click here to go to the blogWasn’t this one the EU was supposed to have sorted out? After their last stunning success, when they really impressed the natives, we’d better send for the European Army. Or perhaps it’s the turn of the United Nations (pictured). Oh! Woops! It’s already there. In 2006, we were citing "analysts" who were saying that the United Nations ...

Posted on EU Referendum

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Not quite Paxman v Howard

click here to go to the blogOf course the real story here is not Mandelson, his stay in a £5,000 a night hotel suite, or the fact a proven liar is refusing to answer straight questions. The real story is about Britain's willingness to cosy up to Russia without any price having been exacted for the aggressive, premeditated and engineered invasion of Georgia. Two weeks ago...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

The contrast between US and UK media

click here to go to the blogToday the contrast between America and the UK to ponder is the media - thanks to a thought provoking blog posting by the excellent Sky News political editor, Adam Boulton. He highlights the oft maligned US media's unswerving focus on real, substantial issues - while our media devotes its attention and resources to covering for days on end an...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

The excellent David Davies MP

click here to go to the blogRegular readers of this blog will know of my disdain for the concept and existence of a National Black Police Association (and its county structures), or for that matter any entity which segments the people of this country on racial or ethnic lines. Such organisations reinforce difference among the people of this country, harbour division and fly in...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Fake education standards

click here to go to the blogSue Cameron discusses the instruction to an exam board to reduce its pass mark for GCSE science and quotes some example questions. "Which of these is not a natural source of radiation? A) Cosmic radiation from outer space; B) Radioactive rocks in the ground; C) Radon gas in the ground; D) Radioactivity from nuclear weapons testing." ...

Posted on The Purple Scorpion

Government failing public on road safety

click here to go to the blogOnce again MPs on the Commons Transport Committee are calling for lower speed limits and tougher enforcement of drink-driving laws to reduce road deaths. The committee's chairman, Louise Ellman, said road deaths were "the major public health problem of our age". Without playing down the tragedy of road deaths, it does seem strange to make...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

BBC twisting language over Brand and Ross

click here to go to the blogIn the light of the offensive, foul mouthed and insulting messages Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross left on Andrew Sachs' answerphone during their pre-recorded and editorially approved radio show, the BBC is showing itself as desperate to play down the matter. Its online news stories about the affair are applying a deliberate editorial tone by...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Labour sleaze double whammy

click here to go to the blogThe Labour Speaker of the House of Commons, Michael Martin, has ruled out an investigation into whether Tony Blair misled Parliament over the £1m Bernie Ecclestone donation to given to Labour in return for an exemption from tobacco advertising for Formula One motorsport. Martin has said that while answers given by Blair over the affair while...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Conservative silence is not the way to win

click here to go to the blogBut for me it is not just relative silence on the economy that is a serious concern, but lack of positive arguments about other spheres of government too. If there is a strategy to sit back and let Labour sink into a pit of failure and incompetence then it needs to be scrapped. I believe in making every effort to win on merit, not simply holding...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

With a heavy heart …

click here to go to the blogEver since I saw it in The Sunday Times, I knew I would have to write about it. I have been putting it off, but the moment has come. The subject, of course, is the bizarre statement by our new secretary of state for defence John Hutton who, according to the paper, has "become the first defence secretary to back a French plan ...

Posted on EU Referendum

Monday, 27 October 2008

BBC Bacteria Ripe for Disinfection

click here to go to the blogThe BBC has apologised to actor Andrew Sachs for the "unacceptable and offensive" content of calls made to him by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross during a radio show. As well they might. But why is this apology not also accompanied by immediate sackings, starting with Messrs. Brand and Ross?

Posted on The Huntsman.

Mendacious Mandy: Take Everything With A Pinch Of Salt

click here to go to the blogLet us start where we must - with the basic character (or is that base character?) of one Peter Mandelson who, by one of the more curious acts of turning things on their head, has recently been ennobled and reinstalled at the heart of Her Majesty's Government. Noble he is not but a crook he undoubtedly is ...

Posted on The Huntsman.