Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Head Of The BBC Admits They're Scared Sh*tless Of Muslims

No great surprise here, but at least al-Beeb is now out in the open.
Al-Beeb's Director-General, Mark Thompson did an unusually honest bit of whinging and admitted that the BBC reports differently on Christianity than on Islam.
"What Christian identity feels like to the broad population is a little bit different to people for whom their religion is also associated with an ethnic identity which has not been fully integrated.
There's no reason why any religion should be immune from discussion, but I don't want to say that all religions are the same. To be a minority I think puts a slightly different outlook on it."
Thompson also said shows critical of Islam would be shown if they were of high quality...which, based on al-Beeb's programming and reporting can be translated as 'never in hell.'
Having seen what kind of violent behavior Muslims are capable of when they get riled up, the BBC simply decided that all that stuff about journalistic ethics and responsibilities and the Fourth estate wasn't worth risking their necks for, thank you very much.Blasphemy against Christians, on the other hand, is cool and shows how modern and cutting edge we are according to Mr. Thompson's logic...and speaking of cutting edge, those wimpy Christians might shout a little but they're not going to issue a cash bounty death fatwa on reporters or start bombing the BBC's offices.
This sort of selective bias not only effects reporting on Islam but obviously impacts how Al-Beeb reports on stories about Israeli-Arab conflict (or indeed any stories about Israel) Iran, Pakistan, Islamist terrorism, no-go Muslim areas in British cities, the Iraq War and a host of other topics, something that's definitely not news to anyone with a fighting chance of a two digit IQ that's been paying attention.
But here's the question...the Beeb is a government monopoly, paid for by the taxpayers. Is it the official policy of the British government that Islam gets preferential treatment and benefits from de facto censorship? Did the British electorate vote for this?
And then the the little factoid that the vast majority of those taxpayers just happen to be Christians, at least nominally. According to Mark Thompson, that apparently means that their rights and sensibilities can be stomped on with impunity. Did I get something wrong here?
"All Animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." - George Orwell, Animal Farm.
Hat tip, Ms. Bookworm