Top Stories for Friday Oct. 10, 2008

jassmina / Creative Commons
Though most West Bank settlers are seen as law abiding, some of late have resorted to increasingly violent tactics to avoid evacuations.
Radical Israeli settlers break
a taboo: violence against Jews
A recent attack against a left-wing Israeli figure appears to be part of a violent shift in strategy among radical settlers: They're now using violence against Palestinians, Israeli soldiers and Jews in their quest to hold onto the West Bank. More »
Palin, Dems duel over pastors
Sarah Palin is saying more attention should be paid to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's former pastor. Democrats counter that they are ready to fight back with their own barrage of guilt-by-association attacks.
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Op-Ed: Foreign policy is the reason to vote McCain
A former executive director of AIPAC makes the case for John McCain. More »
Op-Ed: Learning to love Obama after Clinton's defeat
Deborah Lipstadt, a leading Holocaust scholar and Hillary Clinton supporter, explains why she now is unabashedly backing Barack Obama. More »
JTA Blogs & Elsewhere in the Media
Reaching out to swing states
With less than a month to go before Election Day, the Obama campaign is sponsoring Jewish outreach events in three important swing states this weekend - and that doesn't even include "The Great Schlep." (read more)
Political Tidbits
More guilt-by-association charges against the candidates, some recycled. The Yom Kippur letter to Lieberman's rabbis. Mona Charen slams Jews for substituting liberalism for Judaism. Would the candidates please stop talking about Israel? And Obama did say he'd meet Ahmadinejad. (read more)
Digesting the Jewish News
In his weekly roundup, The Fundermentalist finds that financial aid requests are up in the Jewish community, a new Israeli startup will help train people in humanitarian efforts and how teens in Arizona help run philanthropies. (read more)
The day the Golan was annexed
A former aide to Menachem Begin recalls in The Jerusalem Post how the Israeli prime minister berated the U.S. ambassador to Israel after President Ronald Reagan censured Israel for its unilateral annexation of the Golan Heights in 1981. (read more)