Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

More Than A Million Homeowners Use The Credit Card To Pay Off The Mortgage And The Gas Bills

'More than one million homeowners have resorted to taking out cash on their credit cards to pay their mortgage and essential bills, research suggests today. A report accuses the banks of 'cashing in' on their customers who are 'desperate to get their hands on cash whatever the price'. Withdrawing cash on a credit card is incredibly expensive, and involves a much higher interest rate than using a credit card to go shopping. '


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

State’s Intervention Swells Public Sector To Over Six Million

'Gordon Brown’s decision to nationalise some of Britain’s biggest high street banks will push the number of public sector employees to more than six million for the first time. In some parts of the country almost one in three workers will be employed by the State, as bankers and financiers join nurses, doctors and council workers on the government payroll.'



Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Mortgage Lenders Make A Mockery Of Master Plan To Unfreeze Market By Making Loans MORE Expensive

'Banks turned the screw on the property market as the number of mortgages available became more expensive and increasingly harder to get hold of. The moves make a mockery of the Government's master plan to unfreeze the mortgage market. Northern Rock, the first bank to be nationalised earlier this year, pointedly ignored last week's emergency interest rate cut by the Bank of England.'


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Cover-Up  As Special Branch Officer Admits Changing Evidence At de Menezes Inquest?

'A Special Branch officer is at the centre of a cover-up row after he admitted changing evidence during the Stockwell inquest. The policeman, named only as Owen, deleted a line in his computer notes last week, which claimed his boss Deputy Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick initially said Jean Charles de Menezes could 'run on to Tube as not carrying anything'.But  today he said: 'On reflection, I looked at that and thought I cannot actually say that.'


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

The Seduction of Sarah Palin: Eugenics, CNP, and the Pioneer Fund

No one on America's political stage today has more motivation to oppose eugenics than Sarah Palin. The Alaskan Governor and Vice-Presidential running mate has learned experientially about the sanctity of life. In April, she gave birth to a baby boy with Down syndrome . When she first learned that the child would be born with the birth defect, Palin chose life in a situation where 90 percent of women have an abortion. Lisa Demer has correctly described Palin "as anti-abortion as a politician can be" .'


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

As The World Snoozes, Environmentalists Cheer Turning Nature into "Rights Bearing Entity"

'One of the most radical alterations in the self definition of humankind has just occurred in Ecuador and the world snoozes. But the radical environmental movement sees what is happening and is cheering. From a Global Exchange press release:'

Read more... 

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Trilateral Commission Membership List 2008

See the full membership list


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Barack Obama Joined Marxist-Socialist Third Party In 1990s

'Democratic candidate Barack Obama was a member of the socialist New Party during the 1990s, according to new evidence unearthed by we bloggers, receiving the party’s endorsement for his state Senate run in 1996. Reports earlier this summer that Obama was associated with the New Party were vigorously denied by the Obama campaign and the New Party, but researchers examining Internet archives have found New Party documents clearly indicating Obama was a member of the party, received its endorsement, encouraged Party members to work wih him in the Illinois statehouse, and signed a contract agreeing to maintain a relationship with the Marxist-led party during his senate term.'


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Illuminati Bankers Seek "Revolution" by Economic Means

'The Illuminati bankers had us where they wanted Friday.  Everyone was in a panic, dumping anything of real value -- gold, real estate, oil -- and rushing into US dollars, a medium of exchange created by the Illuminati bankers out of nothing with the help of their government lackeys. Why the sudden appeal of US dollars? There is a huge shortage of them because the bankers put our money into mortgages and then they crashed the housing market. Trillions disappeared. Now their lackeys in government have to "borrow" trillions to make up the deficit. The result: the bankers are trillions richer. Did they do this deliberately?  Do you think Rich Fuld, the CEO of Lehman Brothers, got a $250 million sendoff for driving his company into bankruptcy?  No, that's likely his payoff for selling out his employees and his country. Multiply that throughout the financial industry.'