Obama Presidential Internship
Somebody should really break it to Marcus Warren, the online editor, that Guido and many others (including Da Fink at The Times) have been doing this for years, without paying for it, by just clicking on the embed logo and pasting the code into our blogs. Just thought you should know. Still, the Telegraph did make a profit this year and they need to do something with the money...Pound Collapse Shows Britain Not "Best Placed"
This has one benefit, it helps exporters. However Britain runs a current account deficit and imports more than it exports. Key commodities are priced in dollars, so although oil has fallen 50% in price, the fall in the pound against the dollar means that that benefit is reduced by 25%.The reason the pound is falling is because foreign investors don't want to hold sterling assets. Money supply (M4) is off the chart, the government is flooding the debt markets with cash, gilt issuance is going to be a massive £100 billion, the government is still a AAA risk for now, but so were many investment banks until recently. Nobody believes Gordon's "we have reduced government debt" routine, it is laughable, where did the money for all the schools, hospitals, quangoes and bureaucrats come from Gordon? Include all the taxpayers liabilities and UK government debt is up there with Italy at over 100% of GDP.
There is a lot of scepticism about Gordon'sborrow more, spend more solution. It will be years before any capital infrastructure spending will come through to the real economy, it will worsen the government's indebtedness and crowd out the private sector. The Tories seem incoherent and without a macro-solution, a little help here and there for small business isn't going to turn around the economy. "Sound money and economic responsibility" is all very well, if that had been government policy rather than just an opposition slogan we might not be in this mess. It has come to something when the LibDems offer voters more in tax cuts than the Tories. Today Britain desperately needs a real growth package for the real economy. The Tories are too timid and scared of the old Labour attack lines. Voters understand that government spending has to be tightened, Clegg senses that too, why not the Cameroons?
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
The Telegraph has just sent Guido a press release announcing that theTelegraph is the first multimedia company to sign a deal to distribute Onion "fake news" videos. Down with the kids dudes!
You can't buck the market someone once said, perhaps that is why every time Gordon and Alistair tell us that "Britain is best placed to weather the global crisis" the pound falls another notch. As you can see from these charts the pound is down 25% against the dollar and the yen in the last three months and over 10% against the euro this year.
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Britannia Radio