Vatican stalling on files which could prove wartime Pope ignored Holocaust Peter Dale Scott & Dan Hamburg on Continuity of Government Russia, Venezuela to hold joint drills in 2009
U.S. Government Anticipates Bin Laden Election Tape
Seemingly desperate for Emmanuel Goldstein to remind Americans that they should still fear their own shadow, the corporate media is maniacally preempting the release of a Bin Laden tape before or after the election, despite there being no actual evidence that one is forthcoming.
Intel chief sees growing potential for conflict
The risk of international conflict will increase in the next two decades as China, India and Russia become major powers and competition for resources grows, the top U.S. intelligence official said on Thursday.
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The Halloween economy: trick or treat!
Despite the first treat of $125 billion handed to banksters, and seeing the Dow jump up in jubilation over 9,000 two days later, we saw it trick below the mark as the Fed handed out its lower discount rate from 1.5 percent to 1 percent, record lows reached in 2003 and 2004.
• Japan Rates Cut, But Markets Fall
• Putin: We must end monopoly in finance
• Law Professor: “We’re Going To Have Casinos In Las Vegas Reconstituting Themselves As Bank Holding Companies
The Vatican appears to be dragging its feet over releasing secret files which could solve once and for all the question of whether a wartime Pope turned a blind eye to the Holocaust.
Recorded August 8, 2008, Peter Dale Scott and former Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg discuss Continuity of Government, the upcoming election, and Deep Politics. Thanks to John Bertucci, for making the video available.
Venezuela and Russia are planning to conduct joint air force exercises in 2009, the Venezuelan air force chief has said.
• China backs Iran SCO membership
• Expanding War, Contracting Meaning
Friday, 31 October 2008
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Britannia Radio