Politicians v Drinkers
Guido always says an advertisement is not an endorsement, however theseDrinker's Alliance ads are very good, laying into politicians who gettaxpayer subsidised booze when they want to raise prices for the rest of us. Guaranteeing 101% support from Guido.
Wrong Kind of Rich?
Guido is not going to plead personal poverty, risk brings rewards. What have Hutton or Toynbee ever produced besides words on paper, how many jobs have they created, how many businesses have they financed? Have they ever had to make payroll at the end of the month? Worried about how they were going to pay staff?
Why is making millions from pontificating (as they do) morally superior to making millions from investing in and running companies? It seems that out and out capitalists are the wrong kind of rich whereas out and out media pundits are the right kind of rich. akin to how the aristocracy of old always looked down on those in trade. Remember their own substantial wealth when they condemn capitalism.
Who really has unjust rewards - those who create wealth and jobs or those who condemn them?BBC Gets Ready to Celebrate Obama Victory
Rumour reaches Guido that despite the Credit Crunch the biggest party in New York on election night will be held by... the BBC. It is a fact that the BBC has more reporters covering the U.S. election than any domestic American broadcast network. Evidence, if evidence was needed, that it is incredibly bloated and over-funded. Bet the Beeboids can't wait to crack open the champagne...
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
The campaign adverts should be good, they were done by Blue State Digital, the people who do Obama's online campaigning. Word is that Blue State Digital have hired Matthew Macgregor to run a soon to be opened London office. Macgregor worked on Ken Livingstone's 2008 Mayoral campaign, for War on Want, TULO and Jon Cruddas' deputy leadership campaign. Hopefully this campaign will be one he wins.
Is Guido the only one who finds it a bit of a cheek that Will Hutton and Polly Toynbee are media millionaires who make their money out of condemning other rich people? They both have homes in the country and in London? Polly famously also has her home in sunny Tuscany, yet they endlessly tell us how they deplore inequality. They both sell books in large numbers and their columns are well rewarded beyond the dreams of the average and minimum wage workers they cry tears over.
Guido has got hold of an invite to an Obama victory party sent out by BBC Wales political reporter Toby Mason. Now there are strict rules about impartiality at the BBC, particularly for their political reporters. Guido spoke to Toby about his party and asked him if it was perhaps a little partisan in tone. He's getting back to Guido....
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