(Whoops I missed this one !)
This is a b****y disgrace to any organisation pretending to be
It shows the degraded characters who rule us from Brussels
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
EU plans to force second Lisbon vote
French politicians hatch plan to isolate Ireland and force second
treaty poll
Richard Oakley
PLANS to isolate Ireland and force the country to hold a second
referendum on the Lisbon treaty by next March were discussed at a
European Union meeting 10 days ago.
Minutes of the event, and of a separate dinner with the French
minister for European affairs, record how key French politicians and
other MEPs said that Ireland should be put in an "untenable position"
by pressing Poland and the Czech Republic to ratify the treaty by
The minutes were made available by a high-level source who attended
both events. They tally with publicly available EU minutes but
include direct quotes rather than the diplomatic language of the
official record.
The meeting and dinner heard how Ireland's "intellectual mediocrity
and lack of political courage" led to the rejection of the Lisbon
treaty and included discussions of how to "cuddle and pamper" the
Irish voter ahead of a new vote while at the same time "making
pressures on them".
The meeting between the European parliament's committee for
constitutional affairs and the European affairs committees of both
the French senate and national assembly was held in Paris on October
9. It was followed by a dinner with Jean-Pierre Jouyet, the French
equivalent of Dick Roche, Ireland's EU affairs minister.
Jacques Delors, former European commission president,warned that
Europe should be wary of conceding to Ireland on Lisbon and
criticised the Irish government for "going solo" on the bank crisis.
The official minutes record that members of the delegation discussed
"the necessity of ratifying the Lisbon treaty as soon as possible"
and an anxiety that a second referendum should be held before the
European elections next June. The delegates were concerned that the
elections could become a proxy referendum on the treaty.
Pierre Lequiller, a French politician, said it was necessary to get
the Czech Republic and Poland to ratify the treaty quickly as this
would "modify the situation of Ireland". Alain Lamassoure, a French
MEP, said the Irish people should be made aware of the "consequences"
of a second refusal.
Delors, according to the minutes, expressed concerns "about the price
that Europe was willing to pay in order to obtain a ratification of
the treaty by the Irish". He said: "The Irish have since gone solo in
the financial crisis. They must understand, however, that to be a
member of the EU also includes certain demands."
The minutes from the Sunday Times source show French politicians want
Ireland to believe the EU will respect the country's sovereignty and
demands, while telling the Irish people how the other 495m Europeans
[Who have never been asked except in France and Holland where they
said NO! -cs] are watching them and "will be really angry" [lots
will be delighted -cs] if the answer is no again.
The meeting discussed the option of ensuring the next referendum in
Ireland should involve a question to which the Irish could not say no.
This, according to German and French politicians, could be achieved
by giving Ireland guarantees of sovereignty over issues such as
neutrality and abortion.
It would then ask the Irish electorate to vote on whether or not the
country's membership of the EU was compatible with the constitution.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio