Woman, 90, Shoots Self Inside Foreclosed Home "Small People." Bail Out the Homeowners! Get Your Dollars Out Now! FAST!!!
A 90-year-old Akron woman, about to be evicted from her La Croix Avenue home for failing to pay her mortgage, apparently shot herself Wednesday while Summit County sheriff's deputies were knocking on her door. Continue
Bailing Out Wall Street by Selling out Main Street
By Cindy Sheehan
Tent cities are arising all over the country and Congress is going to bailout an industry that caused these cities and not only that, but use our money to help keep the CEO's in the style to which they have become accustomed. Continue
Why Paulson's Plan is a Fraud
By Paul Craig Roberts
The bailout is focused on the wrong end of the problem. The bailout should be focused on the origin of the problem, the defaulting homeowners. The bailout should indemnify defaulting homeowners and pay off the delinquent mortgages. Continue
By Adrian Salbuchi
As Argentine citizens, we have a huge advantage over other peoples including US citizens when it comes to understanding and coping with this kind of crisis. I say this because in our own lifetimes we have suffered in Argentina all of what is now happening globally - albeit on a much smaller scale in our case. We've seen this movie... We've been there, and done that... Continue
Saturday, 4 October 2008
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Britannia Radio