Thursday, 20 November 2008

Academics warn of EU ‘three strikes’ back door plan
European law is introducing a "three strikes and you're out" law for ISPs to disconnect illegal file sharers "under cover of stealth", according to legal experts. The EU's telecoms reform package could guarantee the legality of such schemes. 

rsday, November 20, 2008 13:10 GMT
Paulson Was Behind Bailout Martial Law Threat 

Senator James Inhofe has revealed that Henry Paulson was behind the threats of martial law and a new great depression prior to the passage of the bailout bill, having made such warnings during a conference call on September 19th, around two weeks before the legislation was eventually approved by both the Senate and Congress.

 Would Deflation Be a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?
 Obama and the Great Depression
 Financials need at least $1 trillion: analyst
 Global stocks at 5-1/2 year lows

Thousands Riot in Northwest China
The largest riot in recent years broke out in Longnan City, in Northwest China’s Gansu Province, over a government-backed eviction project and unsatisfactory compensation to residents.