So this is it. We'll soon know whether all the work; all the campaigning; all the speeches; all the infomercials have paid off: Have Webb, Frei and the rest of the Beeb done enough to get their man elected? It's a big night for students of BBC bias, too. If Obama wins as expected will they be able to hide their glee? If there's an upset and he loses, will there be tears? There's 175 BBC staff over there, so too much to cover. Over to you, then... Comments: 77 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # Comments: 51 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # Another interesting Beeb editorial decision here. It's the rather ho-hum story that the European Commission accepts what everyone else already knew: that Europe is heading into a recession. In fact, though, there's one interesting nugget for the UK, which is that it reckons Britain will be hardest hit. I thought that sounded like a good story. And so did the Mail,Guardian, Telegraph and Times – and, of course, The Malaysian Insider. But not the British Broadcasting Corporation, whose audience presumably remain mystified by the slide in the pound.Biased BBC Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Hugh #The Beeb goes to the polls
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
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Britannia Radio