American Ports Scanning Equipment Made in China
Critics of the transaction, who requested anonymity, raised the specter of sensitive X-ray images and cargo manifests being archived on the X-ray scanning system and, perhaps, transmitted via the Internet back to Nuctech in China, or to the Chinese government. Indeed, the mobile system was required to offer that technical capability........
by former INS Agent, Michael Cutler, Ret.
Lip-Syncing Toward Communism
The 2008 election year has provided Americans an up-close-and-personal look at the fruits intellectual neglect. The 40-year-long emphasis on teamwork, sex, mental health, anti-gang and drug abuse programs in our nation’s classrooms, combined with a smattering of junk science, fuzzy math, “transformational grammar” and “whole language” has ensured that today’s younger voters (below age 30) are unable to see past campaign slogans and rumor-mills........
by Beverly Eakman
Who Are The Real Mystery Worshippers?
It’s easy to see how useful mystery worshippers might be in today’s church environment since so many of them are run like businesses now – being incorporated and catering more to consumers than to God. But they really need to consider a different name for these folks because, if mystery worshippers are indeed there acting as covert consultants, they’re not really there to worship, are they?.......
by Paul Proctor
Will our next president be a communist or a fascist?
The people who truly believe Obama is a “man of the people” are either naïve or fools, or both. Obama cares no more about the people than did Hitler who was as smooth a talker, as good an orator and agitator, as is Obama. And just like Hitler, just as with every smooth talking despot with an agenda, the people mean no more to Obama than a means to attain the power over people he seeks. The people who believed in Hitler found that out the hard way. The people who believe in Obama are also apt to find that out the hard way. The rest of us know it already.......
by Lynn Stuter
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
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Britannia Radio