Thursday, 13 November 2008

Australian web filter to block 10,000 internet sites
AUSTRALIA’S mandatory net filter is being primed to block 10,000 websites as part of a 

blacklist of unspecified “unwanted content”.

Senator: New Media Makes it Difficult to Impose Fairness Doctrine
Maryland Democrat Ben Cardin told Cybercast News Service that Obama and a Democrat dominated Congress will likely not be able to impose the Fairness Doctrine on talk radio.

U.S. may need to insure wholesale deposits 
The United States may need to insure wholesale deposits to ease the credit crisis and restore confidence because the collapse of Lehman Brothers has damaged trust among institutional investors, Barclays said on Thursday. 

 Markets down, Germany hits recession
 Gold May Top $1,000 in 3 Years

Analysts Predict Hyper-Inflation To Push Gold To $2000, Oil to $300 Within Months
Economic experts have predicted that rampant inflation caused by government stimulus packages will soon take hold of the economy and force precious commodity prices to all time highs.

 U.S. Stocks Retreat, S&P 500 Falls to Lowest Since March 2003 
 The Two Trillion Dollar Black Hole 
 Germany, China and U.S. feel pain of global downturn

Sarkozy Pushes for Abandonment of Dollar as World Reserve Currency
There have been many previous indications that the dollar would not remain the world’s reserve currency for long. But this is a dramatic statement by a close American ally.

 Dollar supremacy, 1945 story: Sarkozy
 Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged 
 Jobless claims hit 25-year high, imports plunge