I see that BBC Trust report into Manuelgate is due out later today. I'm sure that Wossy will be excused any further punishment beyond the minor slap on the wrist he has been given. I will be on the BBC this morning here in Northern Ireland and I will be demanding that Ross have his obscene contract terminated forthwith and that this incident highlights the entire credibiliuty of the license-tax which is then used to fund the likes of Brand and Wossy. Talk to you later. Labels: WossyBrandSachsgate Comments: 5 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Laban # The jovial tone of this item, on the publication of the names and addresses of BNP members, and the sombre coverage of a 'hate campaign' - to wit the publication of the names and addresses of child killers. Labels: BNP Comments: 2 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Thursday, November 20, 2008 I caught this item earlier today but only have the chance to comment on it now. In essence, yet again, the BBC is spouting more pro-environmental extremism clap-trap and using it to have a go at President Bush. It uses the tag that US "environmentalists" have accused President George W Bush of trying to rush through changes to the Endangered Species Act in his last days in office. These moonbats say the changes could take away protection for animals and plants facing possible extinction. The Bush administration says it wants to make it easier for drilling, mining and major construction projects to go ahead without a full scientific assessment.The BBC says that Bush has already been criticised by environmentalists for adding fewer than 10 species of plant and animals a year to the endangered list. That contrasts with former President Bill Clinton, who added an average of 65 species a year. Aw, how they must miss the degenerate Clinton Labels: Environmentalism extremism Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # The crazy gang return tonight and, if you can find the courage, tune in and let's have our regular evisceration of bias incarnate! Hope Melanie does well. Labels: question timeBiased BBC Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
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Britannia Radio