Blue Mondays? |
Here it is Monday again, all the main stream news is the same, Bla Bla Bla... so many things going on none of us is able to comprehend exactly what we should be doing or what we should be planning for. What is the truth? Does anyone really know? I know I don't. I am questioning everything and everyone here lately, second guessing and dreading the next occurance in our Governments quest for dominance over our lives. Do we have a chance? I choose to believe we do and it is only a matter of making the right decisions and becoming more than a empty shell. Useing our minds and putting actions to our thoughts. I mentioned becoming a Notary Public in my last message and got a lot of positive imput about it, the most interesting is from a Notary herself. DEAR LINDA, ALTHOUGH I NOW LIVE IN IOWA (AND HAVE NOT APPLIED FOR A NOTARIAL SEAL HERE), I WAS A NOTARY IN NEVADA FOR MANY YEARS. ACCORDING TO THE NEVADA RULES, A NOTARY CAN BE ACCUSED OF HAVING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN NOTARIZING BLOOD RELATIVES' SIGNATURES, THIS IS WHY IT IS NOT ALLOWED. ALSO, A NOTARY MUST HAVE HER/HIS SIGNATURE NOTARIZED BY ANOTHER NOTARY WHO IS NOT A BLOOD RELATIVE. NOTARIES ARE NOT INFORMED THAT THEY ARE ACTUALLY OFFICERS OF THE COURT AND HAVE MUCH JUDICIAL POWER AS SUCH. NOTARIES AND BAILIFFS CAN ADMINISTER OATHS; HOWEVER, JUDGES CANNOT. IF YOU WANT MORE INFO AS TO HOW POWERFUL NOTARIES ARE, SEEK OUT "ANDERSON" WHO AUTHORED A VERY LENGTHY PUBLICATION SOME TIME AGO. I THINK IT ENCOMPASSES 2 VOLUMES. IN MY OPINION, THERE IS A VERY GOOD REASON WHY THE POWERS-THAT-BE WITHHOLD THIS INFORMATION BY PUBLISHING A TINY BOOKLET FOR NOTARIES THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE ALL THE POWERS OF A NOTARY. A NOTARY'S TESTIMONY SATISFIES THE "TWO WITNESS RULE" BOTH IN COURT AND IN VERIFYING DOCUMENTS. A WILL, OR A DOCUMENT (SUCH AS A TRUST) MUST BE WITNESSED BY TWO INDIVIDUALS. IN THE ABSENCE OF TWO WITNESSES, A NOTARIAL SEAL SATISFIES THIS "TWO WITNESS RULE." I WONDERED FOR SOME TIME WHETHER OR NOT NOTARIES ARE OFFICERS OF THE COURT UNTIL I WAS NAMED IN A SUIT AS A DEFENDANT WHO WAS NEVER SERVED, ALTHOUGH THE OTHER DEFENDANTS WERE SERVED. I APPEARED IN COURT AT THE DEFENDANTS' TABLE SINCE THE OUTCOME OF THIS CASE COULD AFFECT ME. THE PLAINTIFF'S COUNSEL OBJECTED TO MY PRESENCE ON THE GROUNDS THAT I HAD NOT BEEN SERVED. I STATED THAT I WAS, NEVERTHELESS, A NAMED DEFENDANT AND AN OFFICER OF THE COURT. THE JUDGE STATED, "INDEED, YOU ARE AN OFFICER OF THE COURT." I BELIEVE THE REASON I WAS NOT SERVED WAS THAT, PRIOR TO FILING HIS COMPLAINT, THE PLAINTIFF'S COUNSEL SENT ME A LETTER, WITH A CARBON TO THE OTHER DEFENDANTS, ACCUSING ME OF NOTARIZING A FRAUDULENT SIGNATURE IN AN ACTION INVOLVING A TRUST. I THREATENED TO COUNTER-SUE HIM FOR SLANDER (WORD OF MOUTH), LIBEL (ACCUSATIONS IN WRITING) AND BARRATRY (MEANING THE ATTORNEY'S ATTEMPT TO ENRICH HIMSELF UNUJUSTLY WHEN HE DIDN'T HAVE A CAUSE OF ACTION.) HE WAS ACCUSING ME OF VIOLATING MY NOTARIAL OATH, WHICH IS A CRIMINAL ACT, NOT A CIVIL ONE. HE DIDN'T HAVE CAUSE TO BRING A CRIMINAL ACTION AND THOUGHT HE COULD TRICK ME INTO A CIVIL CASE. HE MUST HAVE CHANGED HIS MIND. I SUGGEST THAT ALL NOTARIES JOIN THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NOTARIES, WHICH HAS MUCH IN-DEPTH INFORMATION AND SENDS OUT REGULAR NEWSLETTERS AND HOLDS CONFERENCES IN MAJOR CITIES. LEARN HOW TO AVOID BEING SUED FOR DAMAGES (IN MY CASE THERE WERE OTHER WITNESSES TO THE NOTARIZATION) AND HOW TO DO A "NOTARIAL PROTEST," VERY POWERFUL STUFF. IN SHORT, IF A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY DOESN'T ANSWER A REQUEST, AND THEY'VE BEEN WARNED THAT THEIR SILENCE MEANS ACQUIESCENCE, AND THEY'VE BEEN GIVEN SUFFICIENT TIME TO RESPOND, THEN INSTRUCT THEM TO SEND THEIR ANSWER TO THE NOTARY OF YOUR CHOICE WHO HAS AGREED TO DO A PROTEST AND HAS NOTARIZED YOUR SIGNATURE ON YOUR FINAL LETTER (USUALLY THE THIRD LETTER). IN THE ABSENCE OF A RESPONSE, THE NOTARY THEN PREPARES HER/HIS PROTEST WHICH CAN BE PRESENTED TO THE COURT FOR A JUDGMENT, SINCE THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS HAS BEEN EXHAUSTED. I HOPE I HAVEN'T BURDENED YOU WITH THE ABOVE INFORMATION. I JUST MEAN TO POINT OUT THAT NOTARIES ARE VERY POWERFUL AND NEED TO KNOW WHAT THESE POWERS ARE AND HOW TO USE THEM. IT'S ALSO VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW HOW TO STAY OUT OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT. MY BEST WISHES, With this information we could become a force to be recconed with but it takes action, get those seals have your family and friends join you, each meetup group should have at least 2 Notaries so all signatures can be notarized, Use the power that is so easily to be had, just for the application and small fee. It is worth it's weight in gold. I read a disturbing piece this week end which we all need to be aware of: the small blurb below is a wealth of information and eye opening piece for those of you that are still wondering about how truthful our government is about keeping us whole and safe. At the end of this short blurb there is a link which you can read the entire piece and it is very interesting and informative as well as scary. After reading it think about your own neighborhood and school how many are suffering and what is being done about it? MORE DRUGS ? or a cure? The Disabling Of A Nation By Marjorie Tietjen June 6, 2003 - This warning went out again in 2003. Has anyone heeded it ? Our Nation is becoming disabled; physically, economically, morally and spiritually. This is not happening by chance or natural evolution. Over the past hundred years or so there has been a concerted effort by the bureaucratic Elite, to slowly degrade our country and take it over from within. Included below are several important quotes. "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a One World Government combining Super Capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do, I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets. "The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office I must inform the Citizens of his plight." President John F. Kennedy ( 10 days before he was murdered ) Given in a speech at Columbia University. [He was killed by insiders plot to stop his fighting against the OWG (One world Government) agenda. "Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glastnost and Perestroika and Democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep." Mikail Gorbachev speaking to the Politburo in the 1980s In Oct. 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a New World, a world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road". Mikail Gorbachev It is extremely interesting to note that the Headquarters for The Gorbachev Foundation is now located at NorthEastern University in Boston. How could this be? For more information concerning this subject see , Every time we turn around there is a new condition or disease, many times with a readymade corresponding drug or vaccine. If there are no immediately available drugs to ease the symptoms of a "new" disease, you can be assured that the pharmaceutical companies and the vaccine industry are very busy working on the whole process. Many times fear and panic must be created first in order to develop a sure market for these new products. It appears as though this may be the case with West Nile Virus. For more information concerning this "epidemic", I have included the link to a very comprehensive article below I am not implying that these diseases are not real but I do think , many times, that perhaps the more "innocent" diseases are being emphasized to the hilt, in the media, in order to further specific agendas. Those diseases that are truly disabling our population, such as Lyme, CFS, GWI, Fibromyalgia, M.S, etc, and possibly causing a progressive degenerative process, are being allowed to quietly spread through our population. In the meantime we are being denied curative treatment and are told that many of these diseases are all 'in our head'. Govt. documents list criteria for an effective biowarfare agent. There are germs that kill and there are ones that disable. When trying to disrupt and take over a country discreetly, it is considered more effective to use disabling agents, especially ones that make it appear as though a patient is malingering. Patients are dismissed as hypochondriacs while the disease is allowed to pass slowly but steadily through the population. In this scenario, people are not dying off left and right with a highly contagious lethal disease, so no one suspects what is really happening and therefore no action is taken to curb the spread of disease. Dr. Donald MacArthur, who was in charge of the development and testing of biological weapons for the Pentagon, spoke at a hearing before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations in 1969. MacArthur puts it like this. " Incapacitating agents are a more recent development and are largely in the R&D phase ( in 1969 ). In fact, the prime emphasis in agent R&D is on developing better incapacitating agents. We are synthesizing new compounds and testing them in animals. I should mention that there is a rule of thumb we use. Before an agent can be classified as an incapacitant, we feel that the mortality should be very low. Therefore, the ratio of the lethal dose to the incapacitating dose has to be very high. Now this is a very technical job. We have some of the top scientists in the country working on it. It is becoming highly suspected that the media scares concerning smallpox, anthrax, West Nile Virus, SARS, etc. are : 1.) being used as a smokescreen to divert our attention away from the more invisible incapacitating epidemics already in our midst. 2.) To create fear and panic for the purpose of marketing drugs and vaccines. 3.) To manipulate the population into accepting loss of liberty in the name of "Homeland Security" Our attention is definitely being diverted in the case of Gulf War Illness. GWI is real. It is not caused by stress as the government would have us believe. The American people have not been told that over 16,000 Vets have already died. Many children of the GW Veterans have been born deformed. Spouses and children have become ill with the same symptoms of GWI. Even some of the doctors who treated the Vets and their wives, have become ill. It appears that GWI is spreading through the general population in the form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, M.S. , etc. The symptoms of all these diseases are very similar to GWI. A genetically altered strain of mycoplasma has been isolated from the above patient populations, including GWI. The U.S. CODE, SEC. 50, tells us that it is legal to test biological and chemical substances on unwitting populations. Listed in this document are the many excuses that can be used for the purpose of experimenting on the American public without their knowledge or consent. Millions of Americans have been used as long term test subjects as a result of the essentially mandatory national vaccine program. How can anyone claim to know the long term consequences of combining one vaccine after another. Can the vaccine companies prove that all the illnesses which plague our nation's children, are not caused by vaccines? 31% of the children in the U.S. suffer from a chronic condition. This is shocking! I don't hear anyone in the media questioning why so many of our children are so sick all the time. [WE are the sickest nation on Earth and we put more drugs and vaccines into our young children and babies then any other nation on Earth. Most other nations have banned vaccines for children and babies - they saw all the horrid results of the vaccines and stopped them immediately. WE are the ONLY nation with all these chronic conditions that we have, with Autism heading the list; add 2 and 2 !] The French soldiers , who did not receive these vaccines, were the ONLY ones that did not come down with Gulf War Syndrome. Don't believe for a minute that questioning our government makes you a traitor or a terrorist. [Thomas Jefferson, Founder and President, not only ordered us to do so, but to have a full revolution against the Federal government every 20 years to keep it in its place and the people in control.] Keeping track of our government and making it answer for it's actions, should be the duty of every patriotic American. Our forefathers repeatedly warned us of what extreme danger there is to freedom when a government becomes too large and powerful. For more information on mycoplasma, lyme disease,Gulf War Illness, testing and treatment, please visit Marjorie Tietjen writes for The Journal Of Degenerative Disease, a nonprofit quarterly magazine of The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation. Her primary focus is on investigation into why there are so many emerging diseases, why the symptoms of these diseases overlap to such a degree, why there are no cures, only treatments and what role Governments and corporations play in all this. All of her major essays can be viewed at: She may be contacted via E-mail at : Now another worry. Ammo Confiscation (*Many* Americans are scared-to-death at what's coming....) The bill that is being pushed in 18 states requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacturer in a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded. Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011.(Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun! This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama, Arizona,California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland,Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington. To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and the specific legislation for each state, go to: I don't have any idea of how this is going to be enacted, personally I will refuse to turn in my ammo and will lie openly about where it is. simply say I shot it all up practicing? Of course that could lead to searching and the destruction of your home by the enforcement people but that would be worth the chance for myself. It seems that the govenment is doing everything in quick time to disarm us and destroy our society, our self reliance and self protection. I am working double time on the new book on the old tried and true methods of healing one self. I am not a herbalist or natural remedy expert but do have tons of old papers and recipes saved from generations of people who had to take care of themselves as they either had no money for a real doctor or simply there were none available. The area our family lived in now called the "outer banks" was more or less cut off from the mainland and the family's had to do for themselves or die. Most were a hearty bunch with very few illnesses but had the knowledge of what to do for just about what ever became a problem. Even as a child I never saw a Doctor, never had the vaccinations most other kids did, and never really had any problems other than being "the trouble maker" as I was always into something I shouldn't be into. Back then kids were expected to be loud, play games, get hurt, get sunburned and fight with each other only making up later. Parents didn't have time to govern our every move nor did they even try. Neighbors had the right and obligation to punish us for bad behavior plus we got another dose when we got home. Children had chores to do and didn't even think it was unfair, it was just something we all had to do to help out. Our parents didn't owe us anything other than the love from their hearts and a roof and food and clothing at least until we were old enough to do for ourselves. I would have never even thought of demanding a new pair of shoes, I would ask when my old ones were either too small or worn out but demand? Never. I can't ever remember a time that I was allowed or even wanted to lay on the sofa all day and watch TV, we didn't have one, we did have books but they were ususally read in the evening after supper. We did have a radio but that only got turned on for the news and on special days we listened to "Amos n Andy", the Creaking door, the Phantom and several other shows I can't even remember now. Our imaginations made them real to us. Do the kids today have such rich imaginations? I think not everything is supplied for them without the use of their minds. a math problem? pull out the calculator. a question? pull out the computer. Information is not scarce today but how many actually use it? Schools have become baby sitters, thats all. Kids are not taught how to count most cannot even count out change without being told by a computerized cash register. Kids don't know History, Geography, can't even break down a sentence, how many know what a verb, adjective, noun is? Reading is a chore where it used to be a pleasure, a escape into a different world. Did we do drugs, hell yes, we breathed in fresh salty air, ate pure foods grown in good soil, played in the dirt and built up our immune systems, probably ate as much dirt as we did food when we raided the garden for a fresh carrot or bell pepper to munch on. Any way the book will be finished shortly and will be nothing more than old recipes for medications which were used on us and by us for just about anything that could happen. It will possibly help when this country breaks down and communication may be lost, people are tired of being treated with medications which cause more illness and not cured leading to more drugs and medications which in turn lead to more illness and debility. It has been a trip down memory lane putting this book together and many people have sent in their family cures.. which are listed also. I finally got together all the ingredients of that wonderful Black Drawing Salve I have the recipe to and am going to make it up just as soon as the jars arrive for it. The recipe is in the book but the ingredients are tough to find. I hope I have not ruined everyones Monday with all the rants and problems but do hope you all start considering being prepared for anything that may come. Be sure to have enough food and supplies to last a long while, it doesn't take a lot just some work, and the benefits are great just knowing that your family will be safe and secure. Please keep visiting the website: and sending it to your friends and associates as it is updated just about daily with new videos and news which affects us all. |
Monday, 24 November 2008
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Britannia Radio