Brainwashing Children Through Social Science
Land, which is the gift of Nature, must not remain in the hands of private individuals. Land must become the property of society and controlled and directed for the welfare and benefit of society. . . There must be an international authority which is much more than was the old League, and powerful enough to administer certain international subjects, for example, control of raw materials, armaments, communications, banking and currency systems, public health, war and peace, territorial limits, emigration and immigration, laws affecting racial and national minorities. These are just a few.......
by Erica Carle
Global Socialists Toast Victory over America
In other words, America has been cut down to size and the beneficiaries are those who were always jealous of her wealth and power. The result will not only be less U.S economic power but the diminution of American military power. One will inevitably follow the other, especially if more U.S. manufacturing industries go bankrupt........
by Cliff Kincaid
Civil War in Mexico Spreading to U.S.
Mexican officials frequently lecture the U.S. about our supposedly loose gun laws that are blamed for spreading anarchy south of our borders. Mexican President Filipe Calderon has admitted that his country is experiencing a "gradual and growing disintegration of public and governmental institutions." Never having met an excuse for gun control that they did not like, officials in the Bureau of.......
by Larry Pratt
The Power Elite Playbook: China: Shanghaied by Communism
On January 30, 1902, Japan signed the Anglo-Japanese Alliance with Great Britain. Japan would be “the Crown’s policeman in Asia,” to do the dirty work – the killing and the dying. The alliance included high-interest loans from Rothschild-controlled British banks to finance Japan’s armament purchases and ships from British firms. Great Britain then demanded that Russia abandon the Kwantung Peninsula, territory leased from China six years before. Russia had already spent $300 million on.......
by Deanna Spingola
Saturday, 22 November 2008
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Britannia Radio