Tuesday, 11 November 2008


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An urgent message from our Newsmax Sponsor, The Republican National Trust PAC

Stop Obama in Georgia!

Stop His Plans to Ban Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Boortz

Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

Dear fellow American:

First of all, thank you for your generous support in the past election. We could not claim victory but we did have an effect.

I am writing you again about an urgent matter that will affect you and your family.

The Democrats now control 57 seats in the Senate. They are perilously close to getting the 60 votes in the Senate they need to end filibuster and pass Obama’s radical legislation.

A special Georgia Senate run-off election is slated for December 2.

The outcome of this race will impact all of us -- especially if the Republican loses and Democrats get total control of the Senate.

If the Democrats defeat Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss, they will be very close to getting the 60 votes they need in the Senate to pass Obama’s radical legislation.

Without the 60 votes, Obama won’t be able to pass a new Fairness Doctrine limiting the power of talk radio. Sen. Chuck Schumer, a leader of the Democratic Senate has called talk radio "pornography." He and Pelosi have one goal -- put Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage, Boortz, Beck and all the major hosts, out of business once and for all.

Without the 60 votes, Obama can’t pass legislation to increase income taxes, increase capital gains taxes, increase FICA taxes or any other taxes.

Without the 60 votes, Obama won’t be able to pass new social spending programs estimated as costing as much as $1 trillion.

Without the 60 votes, Obama won’t be able to nationalize the healthcare system.

Without the 60 votes, Obama won’t be able to give 12 million illegal aliens citizenship and other government benefits.

Obama and the Congressional Democrats must be denied the 60 votes.

You can stop Obama in Georgia — Help us — Donate Here Now

The Democrats believe they may be able to persuade one or more liberal Republican senators like Arlen Specter to join them to pass Obama’s legislation.

They know they are very close to getting the magic number.

That is why they are pouring millions of dollars as we speak in Georgia to win this special election and elect the liberal Democratic candidate Jim Martin.

They will do whatever it takes to destroy Sen. Chambliss. Their union supporters will be bussed into the state for this last ditch effort to give Obama what he really wants: total control of the U.S. Congress.

You must stop them. We can stop them. Donate Here — Go Here Now

We at the National Republican Trust PAC, also known as GOPtrust.com, are launching an emergency appeal to Republicans across the United States to help defeat Jim Martin and keep Saxby Chambliss in the U.S. Senate.

Fox News analyst Dick Morris calls us at the National Republican Trust the “most important group now in the Republican Party, our version of Moveon.org but more effective.”

Dick Morris also said that "It's critical the Republicans win the Georgia race. The National Republican Trust PAC can make a huge difference."

We are demonstrating our important work by focusing national support to help stop Barack Obama in Georgia and elect Saxby Chambliss.

Early voting will start soon for Dec. 2 run-off. Time is short.

We at the National Republican Trust PAC are planning a massive TV ad campaign to alert Georgia voters to the dangers of a Senate and Congress controlled by Barack Obama.

It’s important to remember that McCain beat Obama in Georgia by 52% to 47%.

Still, Republicans are deeply concerned. Please help us — Go Here Now

The special run-off will bring out far fewer voters than the general election. Obama’s campaign are masters at organizing small turn-out elections. They won every caucus state, for example.

Have no doubt the Democrats will throw everything they have to get out core constituencies for Jim Martin: union members, African-Americans and other special interests.

That’s why our work at the National Republican Trust PAC is so critically important.

Our TV ad campaign and other outreach efforts will alert Georgia Republicans that this election is like no other. In fact, the future of the United States depends on it.

You can help us in our fight to keep Georgia’s seat in Republican hands and out of Obama’s control.