Friday, 14 November 2008

British judge criticizes pesticide policy
International Herald Tribune - France
... a court challenge to Britain's pesticide regulation, arguing that the government was violating a European Union directive that says chemical pesticides ...
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New EU Rules for Tissue Engineered Products
By (FxConferences)
Chignon provides insight into where this new regulation fits within the existing framework of European Directives, so that the participants will better understand how they all work together. The presentation incorporates several product ...
Pulse on FXConferences -
EU Referendum: A bizarre U-turn
By Blog Bot
As we reported in detail on 13 May 2008, a wave of closures has been threatened by the EU requirement to put out to tender under the Procurement Directives a contract to handle pension and benefit payments. ...
British Democracy Forum -
Telecommunications: Commission raises serious doubts about ...
IP/08/1704 Brussels, 14 th November 2008 Telecommunications: Commission raises serious doubts about proposed Spanish broadband regulation The European Commission has informed the Spanish telecoms regulator, ComisiĆ³n del Mercado de las ...