The Crisis is already here! Dear Daily Reckoning Reader, Remember this summer when it cost you $50, $70 – even $100 to fill up your gas tank? Well, in the past few months, this has changed considerably...but don’t get too comfortable with these low prices. There is a little-known event that spells the end of ‘cheap oil’...and it has already occurred. If you are properly prepared for this ‘forever oil crash’, you could stand to make some major profits, while the majority of Americans are entranced by the seemingly low gas prices. You don’t want to miss this special report. Keep reading... Cheers, Kate Incontrera |
THIS IS AN URGENT WARNING: Says CNN Money, "The cat is out of the bag... " Even the U.S. government admits this single And it's ALREADY HAPPENED... Do nothing, lose everything. Or you can Dear Reader, Relieved to see oil prices back down? Looking forward to the days when we can get to $2 gas? Ready to dump all your energy stocks... if you haven't already? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, think again. Because what you think you know might be about to change forever. See, what nobody's telling you is that a single almost completely undiscussed event is about to permanently change the way you live and invest. More so than the recent crash. And forever. Do nothing and you stand to lose a fortune. Do something and you could get very rich. Here's the thing... This signature event is not something far in the future. It already happened. It's not something we can stop. It's not even something we can prepare for. That time has come and gone. It's not a war. It's not something done by some bungling boob in Washington or on Wall Street. Instead, it's a single, seismic event that has already occurred. By our best estimate, it happened in July 2006. And now there's no turning back. No, the nightly news did not cover it. Neither did Obama or McCain. Even though there is probably no event with a greater impact on your financial security, the American way of life or the security of the world than THIS event. We'll have to deal with this event not just for the rest of this year... or the next four years... but for at least the next 20 years. If not longer. That's not my estimate. It's the estimate straight from the U.S. government's own research team. What massive event am I talking about? I'm talking about the almost certain end of "cheap oil." Not just a new oil spike up to $140 per barrel. But a permanent, sustained new crisis that will make the petro-busts of the 1970s... and even of the last two years... look like a Sunday drive through the park. You must be warned about this. Nobody else is willing to talk to you about it. Not your government. Not the Big Oil companies or the OPEC whackos. Which is exactly why I'm writing you today. Because I want to show you what's already happened. To give you the shocking facts nobody else wants to share. And most importantly, to show you how to prepare for what comes next... Starting with $8–12 for a gallon of gas... huge fuel lines... even "gas riots" worse than anything we've ever seen before... empty supermarket shelves... empty suburbs... and empty airports. Politicians will make lots of promises. They'll use words like "energy independence." They'll try to dazzle you with vague pie-in-the-sky plans to reinvent the energy landscape. But don't you believe 'em. Why? For the very reasons I spell out for you in the proof that follows. No matter what anybody tells you — or what you want to believe — we're heading into what could easily be the most vicious and unpredictable financial cycle of the past 150 years. The war in Iraq? Afghanistan? They're just hiccups in history compared with what lies ahead... The rising Cold War on the shores of the Caspian... new terrorism and oil killings in Saudi Arabia... a coming military conflict over offshore oil under the South China Sea... these are all just shadows of a dark future... We All KNEW This Crisis Would Come, Let's be clear. Even the most bright-eyed optimist KNEW this day would come eventually. But only a handful are plugged in enough to realize... it's already here. I call this event "E-Day." But if you run in the same circles I do... and care about markets and your money the way I do... you know it by another name. It's the hugely controversial phenomenon called "Peak Oil." What is "Peak Oil"? Some people think it's the idea that we've just run out of gas. Literally, that the world's pockets of petroleum have been completely tapped. And that the world's oil wells have now run dry. Actually, it's exactly the opposite. "Peak Oil" is the idea that we've just passed the point at which we're producing the MOST oil we'll ever produce. To explain it to the people I care about, I like to show them this chart... For more than 149 years, we've had it easy getting oil out of the ground. For decades, America DOMINATED world oil production. We were swimming in it. All that cheap energy made us a massive industrial power. In the early 1970s, our huge oil supply "peaked." We started getting less every year out of the ground. And we had to turn elsewhere... like to the Middle East. You know the rest of the story. Here's the thing. "Peak Oil" is a very big idea to petroleum geologists. In fact, I'll show you it was one brilliant geologist who started to figure all this out... nearly 60 years ago. Today, it has plenty more experts and industry insiders terrified. In fact, one group compiled over 200 technical papers and 20 years of energy research and — in October 2007 — published a shocking report that backs our 2006 "Peak Oil" estimate. Of course, you don't need anything close to a geology degree to understand what this could mean for you... for your children... for America and for the rest of the world... over the years ahead. You have very little time before the last of the "deniers" lose all their credibility. You have even less time than that to get ready. Because the panic doesn't begin when oil runs out. It begins on the day the rest of the world understands the historical "wealth reversal" we're in for when "cheap oil" becomes a thing of the past. Already, we're seeing the symptoms of a collapse. Think about it: You remember how it happened in the '70s. And you can see in the chart I showed you earlier how it played out too. Temporary supply shocks sparked two of the biggest market crises of modern times. Only this time, it really is different. This time, it's not really about ideology... it's about geology. As warriors and cowards, CEOs and pundits, dictators and bureaucrats stake their territory and make their claims... deep underground, the world's source of cheap oil is on the brink of running out. And nothing you do to make or protect your money can or will ever be the same again! In fact, even while most Americans see their savings attacked, I can reveal to you exactly how a few smart energy investors could still get very rich! But not in the way you might imagine, buying major energy stocks. How so? Stick to the pages that follow. I'll show you at least two simple "safeguard" investments you can make RIGHT NOW to lock in leveraged gains as this situation unravels. Not only can these two investments give you a powerful SHIELD against the fallout ahead... but they could soar, despite all the current market turmoil. How high? On lesser moves in the same markets, I can show you how we've already booked gains as high as 668%. I expect this future move to send many more opportunities I'll identify soaring just as high, very quickly. Possibly even higher, if your timing is right. That's not all. Because I'd also like to give you access — FREE — to nearly a dozen more blockbuster investments just like these. Each with huge prospects for investment gains when the permanently rising spiral of energy prices locks into place. What you'll discover here will allow you to build a kind of fortress around your portfolio... and allow you to rake in gains at the same time. I know of no other strategy that will let you do this over the months ahead. I'd like to start by sending you a FREE copy of a special investment report I've created JUST for this situation I'm about to describe. The report is called Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years. And again, I'm going to give it to you FREE. Inside, you'll see why the danger of this event is very REAL. I'll give you evidence that's IRREFUTABLE. And most importantly, I'll show you how the physical and financial devastation ahead could literally UNRAVEL a century and a half of American financial prosperity! But of course, you'll also see why it doesn't HAVE to be that way. Because I firmly believe the two investments I'll show you in Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years should play a key role in ANY intelligent investing strategy for the turbulent months ahead! A few smart investors could get very rich... just on these two stocks. You're about to see why. Yes, you still have time to prepare. But not much. So let's start at the beginning... The Beginning of Everything Millennia ago, oil was a laxative. Then in 480 B.C., the Persians used oil to dip and light fire-tipped arrows, which they launched over the walls of Athens. Back then, it's hard to believe, oil didn't mean much at all! The world had the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the American Revolution... All without the benefit of oil. Then something changed. Something people didn't expect to make such a difference at the time. Cities got bigger. Big cities needed better lamps. Along came kerosene! In 1861, Nicolaus Otto invented the first gas-burning engine. Along came gas! Then Ford showed us how to mass market cars. And build mass-market factories. Oil made it possible to mass-produce food, cities... and war... For the whole of the 20th century, we soaked up cheap oil to run our cars and heat our houses... light our porches... and power our tractors. Oil gave us plastics. And petrochemicals. Oil shaped America. It changed us. More than the Internet. More than the stock market bubble of the 1990s. More than the Japanese bubble of the 1980s. More than the real estate bubble that's just burst under our noses. And that's what makes us so vulnerable to the shock "E-Day" will bring... America's Dirty Secret: Without oil, America shuts down. Farms close. Hospitals don't open. Streetlights don't burn. Trains and trucks don't run. Planes don't fly. This isn't some fantastic doomsday scenario. It's just a simple fact. We burn through nearly 30 billion barrels per year. Even 90% of the chemicals we use for farming, making drugs and making plastics... come from oil. It's a habit we can't quit. Some of us commute 100 miles per day to and from work. Six billion people. Driving 700 million cars. Every day, each car uses four times more energy in fuel than people need for food. At the airport, a thousand planes a day take off and land, each carrying as much as 24,000 gallons of fuel. Passenger jets alone burn about 1,200 gallons of fuel each hour! Hot showers and hot coffee. Fried eggs and bacon. Your daily commute to work. And your commute home to your family in the evening. Air-conditioned skyscrapers and air-conditioned theaters. Late nights reading in bed by lamplight. Weekend car trips to the beach. Thousands of boxes of cereal on grocery store shelves, fudge-ripple ice cream in the freezers, heaping piles of fruit on the produce rack... None would exist or arrive without oil. On average, most food in North America travels 1,300 miles from farm to plate! How else do you get grapefruits in New England and maple syrup in New Mexico? Or salmon in Kansas or pineapples in Wisconsin? The list goes on. Ambulances, firetrucks and police cars. Hospitals and hospital equipment. Modern dentistry. All need a steady, cheap supply of oil. YOU SEE THE POINT. As long as we can keep that oil coming, we've got no problem. Life goes on. If that source of cheap oil disappears... we're talking catastrophe. It's nearly unthinkable. Yet now that we've passed the point of no return in world oil production, that's exactly the kind of cataclysmic disaster you can expect... The New Oil — "Cheap" Maybe you remember what the guys at Morgan Stanley said when oil passed $55. It was back at the start of 2005, and they called it the "final frenzy." They said it was a panic spike. And that oil prices would cool for years to come. Another 29 analysts called for oil to drop below $50 — and stay there — that same year. Three years later, at the start of this year, oil had doubled to around $100. And George Bush had gone personally to Saudi Arabia, to beg the royal family to crank up production and lower prices. Today, those same experts feel like $100 is a "breather." And those politicians tell us $3 gas is supposed to be good news. Compared with what's coming, they could be right. Oil at $150... $200... or higher. This isn't a "maybe" scenario. There are no politics to fix. No quotas to double or contracts to sign. "E-Day" — the day when cheap oil disappears forever is not only coming. It's here. Come and gone. All that's left for you to do now is prepare, starting with what I'll show you in the FREE report I want to send Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years. I'll show you how to get a copy sent to you in just a second. First, let me just continue showing you the shocking research that proves what we're up against... The Day Big Oil Turned Its Back on Reality In the 1930s, a geophysics professor at Columbia University named Dr. Marion King Hubbert made a discovery. He found a way for Big Oil to release petroleum trapped under deposits of hard rock. The oil companies used his discovery to make billions. Hubbert became a star for the industry. By 1956, he was working full-time as a highly paid expert for Shell Oil. But that's when the brilliant Dr. Hubbert made another discovery. And this time, it nearly ended his career. See, what Hubbert realized was that the more oil you drain out of an oil field, the more those pockets of crude CHANGE. The first barrels come squirting out of the hole. But as pressure drops, the rest of the oil gets tougher to draw out. It's like sucking the last of a milkshake out of a tall glass. Years of pumping, said Dr. Hubbert, would turn rich fields into petro-pin cushions as the companies tried desperately to drain the last drops of oil. You can imagine, when your entire business — and your company's share price — depends on how much oil you have in reserve, this is a very big deal. In fact, the biggest deal. Hubbert's bosses BEGGED him not to release his controversial discovery. But he did anyway. He told a roomful of oil executives and engineers how the U.S. was on track to hit its production "peak" as early as 1970. And the audience practically laughed him out of the room! Just 15 years later, the United States hit that peak. Like clockwork, in 1971, oil wells in Texas and Louisiana started to dry up. U.S. oil production plateaued... then fell off a cliff. Within three years, oil imports tripled. Gas and oil prices soared. And OPEC had us at its mercy. Hubbert was right all along. No part of the U.S. economy escaped the crisis. When the stock market crashed, millions got wiped out financially. They got slammed again in 1979, when Iran twisted the screws and sent the U.S. into another tailspin. But even that was just the beginning... Crude Awakening: See, the data Hubbert had discovered a full 15 years before the U.S. oil peak didn't just predict a peak in the lower 48 states of the America... The same data ALSO predicted similar peaks for the rest of the world's petroleum nations... until all GLOBAL OIL PRODUCTION hit a permanent downward slide! Sure enough, look what's happening. One by one, other oil-producing countries have started to fall. Libya peaked in 1970. Iran peaked in 1974. Romania — once Hitler's prize petroleum conquest — peaked in 1976. Brunei peaked in 1979. Peru in 1982. Cameroon in 1985. Indonesia peaked in 1997. So did Trinidad. Out of the 65 biggest oil-producing countries, 54 have already slammed into the wall of peak production. That's serious. On average for the whole European region, the peak year for oil production was back in 2000. For the whole Asian-Pacific area, it arrived back in 2002. Even for the former Soviet Union, the oil peak came back in 1987. And the peaking dates for the rest of the major oil regions — including the Middle East — are right around the corner! Forget what politicians and pundits tell you. There is no "oil recovery" in the wings. Recessions might give us a break on demand, now and then. But shrinking energy supplies always add up to rising prices. And what I'm showing you here adds up to a permanently shrinking supply. What will this do to the stock market... to budding small businesses... to the job market... and to the prices of everyday goods? What happens with China? With India and the masses in other emerging markets? Many, many people will get caught unaware. Of course, you don't need to get caught along with them. Not just billions... but trillions... in global wealth will disappear, as we scramble for a solution. However, others — and I'd like to include you in this category — could make hundreds of thousands of dollars simply by buying the right energy and resource investments. This is why I want you to let me send you my new FREE report, Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years. Inside, you'll discover two virtually unknown stocks that should soon start to soar... Especially as one of the biggest "Peak Oil" coverups of all gets revealed. I'm talking, of course, about the LIES you've been fed for at least a decade by none other... than the royal family of Saudi Arabia... The Saudi Princes' Dirty Secret: Remember when Shell Oil shocked investors by admitting to overestimating its oil reserves by 4.5 BILLION barrels? Their share price collapsed by 9% in a single day. Can you imagine, then, if the world's BIGGEST oil producer gets caught trying to feed you a whopper more than 12 times that size? Energy expert Matt Simmons says that the day Saudi Arabia hits its energy peak, that's the day the rest of the world will wake up to the reality of "Peak Oil"... by tailspinning into chaos! So maybe it's a good thing, in a way, that the crown princes of Saudi Arabia have been lying to us all these years. But they can't keep their charade going for much longer. See, here's the real scandal... The Saudis have some 300 oil fields. But 90% of their oil wealth comes from just a handful of those fields. Their crown jewel producer is the Ghawar field. The Ghawar held an astonishing 87 billion barrels of oil when it was discovered in 1948. By the 1970s — according to experts at Exxon, Chevron, Texaco and Mobil — the Ghawar still had another 60 billion barrels left, the bulk of Saudi Arabia's 110 billion barrels of proven reserves. But in 1979, the Saudis kicked out the U.S. experts. Overnight, they claimed to have another 50 billion barrels. Nearly a decade later, they were claiming to have over 260 billion barrels of oil overall. And for the next 17 years, they never adjusted that figure. Magically, even after selling billions of barrels of oil to the U.S., China, India and anyone else who wanted it... that 260 billion barrel estimate never went down! Without a single new major oil discovery during that period. It's the biggest, most carefully guarded LIE in the industry today. But the coverup can't last forever. Every day, the Saudis pump 7 million gallons of seawater into the Ghawar's 3,400 wells... just to maintain pumping pressure. But now, more than HALF the fluid they're getting back out... is the seawater they pumped in to help force out the rest of the oil! That's no isolated situation. The Saudis have five mega oil fields, all on the brink of collapse. Even U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman admitted recently that the Saudis are "right at the ragged edge" of their ability to meet oil demand. Right now, 73% of all the world's new oil comes from the Saudis. So their big LIE is already a big enough deal all by itself. But ask yourself, if our "allies" in Saudi Arabia don't hesitate to lie about their reserves... "Is Anybody ELSE Lying to Us Here's the rest of the ugly truth... The rest of OPEC is secretly running out of oil too! Take a look at this chart... See, here's what happened. In 1986, OPEC made a new rule for its members: You could only sell as much oil as you held in total reserves. In other words, the bigger your reserves, the more money you were allowed to make. Almost every OPEC country "upgraded" its reserves overnight. Here's the thing: Those countries made the overnight "upgrades" in their reserves WITHOUT a single new oil well discovery being made... and WITHOUT a single new rig being built! And just as the Saudis do, those same countries continue to keep and even add more "ghost oil" to their books. It's a scandal that has ALREADY cost investors and energy buyers hundreds of billions of dollars. But as I said, the world doesn't have to run out of oil and gas to spark a crisis. Remember, It's the All that has to happen is for the world oil market to discover there's a lot LESS oil out there — now and for the future — than we need to keep on living like we do right now. The day the truth comes out, catastrophe strikes. That's why I hope you'll let me send you a FREE copy of my new Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years special investing report. Because even if I and dozens of other energy experts and geologists are wrong... even if we have a few years left before the peak arrives... you still need to start preparing for the inevitable. We already use much more oil worldwide than we produce or discover. That can't last forever. Here's something else. When Dr. Hubbert first revealed his "Peak Oil" predictions, he explained that just before and after the "peak," there would be short plateau of FLAT oil production... followed by a steep collapse. Guess what's happening right now. This next chart shows the last 10 years of production for the world's 17 biggest oil companies... and for every one of them, production is completely flat! Usually, when oil prices soar, Big Oil pours that money into new wells and new discovery... but this time, there's no new oil left to produce or discover! Buying the Big Oil companies, though, even during price pullbacks and minor corrections, might NOT be the best way to make money on this move. Which is why I urge you to send for your copy of new report, Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years, as soon as possible. Because it's going to show you better alternatives. Including two powerful stocks that should soar as this dramatic trend unfolds. They won't stay this undiscovered forever. But if you wait until the rest of the market wakes up, you'll miss your chance. You can read about them in your free copy of Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years, just one of the SIX FREE reports in the new PEAK OIL PROTECTION LIBRARY that I'd like to give you, absolutely FREE. Look, this is monumental. The MOMENT news of this new data hits the wires... it's going to reverberate on Wall Street like an H-bomb with a bad attitude. In the crisis ahead, businesses will face serious choices. Thousands of investors will lose BILLIONS of dollars. But before that happens, you can be ready. You can even download it just a few minutes from now, if you're ready. I expect you to make at least 668% gains on these breakthrough energy investments. Perhaps even more. Because the worse the situation gets, the more I'll be there to show you exactly what to do next. Yeah, you say... but still, we've already seen new record prices... and then they pulled back. So how bad could this really get? All I'm saying is, even if you don't send for your FREE reports, I urge you not to get too comfortable. Because even today's high prices are just a taste of what lies ahead... We'll Pay "As Much as $378 per Barrel," Plunging supply and soaring demand... it's the purest law in economics. Here's what Simmons recently said: "It works out as much as $378 a barrel. Yes [I can see it reaching that high]." CBS MarketWatch says the coming Peak Oil crisis will "dwarf that of 1973." And the San Francisco Chronicle is saying we're looking at "social and economic upheaval across the globe... " And it's not just the geological crisis that will make energy scarce. For instance, take a look at China... The current economic bust might slow oil demand temporarily. But in the bigger scheme, it will come roaring back. Because the foundations of future demand have already been laid. In fact, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global demand has already grown in the very recent past at its fastest pace since 1980. Average global demand is 88.1 million barrels per day. Aside from today's extreme financial events, we're sure to meet and exceed that level of demand in the future. And out of that, about 20 million barrels of daily oil demand comes from the United States. If you can't get your head around that number, imagine an Olympic-size swimming pool. Drain the water. Fill it with crude oil. Now do that 1,272 times. Every day of the year. THAT'S A LOT OF OIL! And remember, once it's burned, it's gone for good. "Yes, but Couldn't One Huge Discovery... or Alaska... What are the chances of finding another 90-billion-barrel oil field? Or two fields of 45 billion barrels each? Close to zero. You could go broke looking. In fact, many oil companies already have. (In the 1950s, for instance, George Bush Sr. made millions from his Texas oil business. In the early 1980s, George Jr. had to get OUT of his own businesses... after just about every drill they dropped came up BONE-DRY!) The dynamic has completely changed. And why? Because there hasn't been a major new oil field discovery in more than 20 years. Even the "untouched" deep-water fields and Alaskan oil — while they might hold what seems like a lot of new oil — likely don't hold enough. Worldwide, net oil discoveries have plunged every five years since 1980. Some of the biggest fields are now between 30–100 years old! And they're starting to run dry too! Over the last five years, the world burned 27 billion barrels per year. But the oil industry discovered only 3 billion new barrels per year. How long can you use up nine times what you're finding in replacement? Not long! There were 16 large discoveries of oil in 2000, eight in 2001, three in 2002 and NONE in the year that followed. It hasn't gotten any better since. Worldwide, peak discovery was in the 1960s. In the 1990s, that average was one-sixth that total... 9 billion barrels per year! That's next to nothing compared with world oil demand. Even if we DID find another Ghawar... it would only delay the inevitable impact of "E-Day" by less than 24 months. Meanwhile, your whole way of life is in danger. But not every one of these will have the same payoff. And some will take longer to give you gains than others. What I'd like to help you do is find the few market moves that do make sense for the turbulent crisis ahead. For instance, I have two I can share with you right now. Both will help make a few smart investors exceedingly rich. Provided you know which stocks to buy and the right time to get in... Huge E-Day Profits by Buying I should introduce myself. My name is Byron King. And when it comes to oil, gas, energy, war and politics, I think I can politely tell you — I know what I'm talking about. See, I'm what you'd call an "old rockhound." Which is my way of saying that, years ago, I graduated with honors from Harvard with a degree in geology. In the 1970s, I took that background to the oil industry, and I worked as a geologist in the exploration-and-production division of a major oil company. When natural gas whipping out of a 21,000-foot well got too routine, I dropped it all and joined the U.S. Navy, logging over 1,000 hours of flight time in tactical jets. I've even pulled off more than 127 carrier landings. After I left active duty, I became a practicing attorney in Pennsylvania. But with all that excitement and experience... I found that I couldn't get my passion for oil and energy out of my blood. I kept up with my contacts in the field. And dove deep into energy research. I started reading and writing about new discoveries in the field. I studied them. I gave speeches about them, every chance I could get. To this day, I've done more radio shows and have written more published articles on the topic than I can count. Years ago, I even got the chance to meet M. King Hubbert himself. If you know anything about oil, you know that for an oil guy and geologist like me, that's like meeting Mick Jagger. But I'm not telling you all this to brag. I just want to show you how it is that I linked up, just a few years back, with someone you might already know — New York Times best-selling author Addison Wiggin. See, Addison is also has a pretty high profile in the investment world, including in the energy markets. He's been interviewed by Forbes, ABC Money Matters, CBS Sunday Morning, Fox, Bloomberg, CNN Money,,, Money, The New York Times Magazine and more than 350 different local and national radio shows about his best-sellers Financial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis. He's even the co-writer and executive producer of the new Sundance-nominated financial documentary, I.O.U.S.A. So it was only a matter of time that we crossed paths. What really drew me in, though, was that Addison manages a nearly prophetic multimillion-dollar financial research group... that specializes, in part, in energy market analysis. When I realized just how much he and I saw eye to eye on many of these forces... I jumped at the chance to join his international team of experts. And here I am today. That's why I'm writing you now. Because I'd love to let you into our private network, where I can help you track these opportunities... discover these trends... and turn them into the huge, protective opportunities that most other investors will miss. Our group is one of the fastest growing out there. And we'd love to have you on board... Hello, my name is Addison Wiggin. I was proud when Outstanding Investments earned the title of No. 1 Ranked Equity Trading Newsletter for 2005 from MarketWatch. And I was ecstatic when Mark Hulbert, of the unbiased Hulbert Financial Digest, crowned Outstanding Investments the No. 1 ranked investment advisory letter over a five-year period in 2005, 2006, and 2007. But I've got to tell you. Nothing makes my chest swell more than having the chance to do for you what I'm about to do today. Because, today, I get to introduce you to someone who has to be one of the most experienced and insightful analysts working today, oilman Byron King. Byron has a pedigree that's almost unmatched in his field. Not only does he have his Harvard degree in geology (with honors)... and experience as both a Navy jet pilot and, now, as a practicing attorney... but he's got hands-on expertise having worked as a geologist for an international oil company. And he's already published reams of powerful analysis, specifically for raw resource investors. I couldn't imagine being luckier to have him at the head of our Outstanding Investments team. I also can't imagine anyone more qualified to lead you through the explosive wealth-building opportunities in raw resource investing. Especially right now, at this fundamental turning point in history. As oil and other resources soar, a lot of investment wealth hangs in the balance. You should join readers of the No. 1 ranked Outstanding Investments in landing on the most profitable side of this monumental and historic shift. Read on to find out how... The #1 Performing Investment Letter The service I now run is called Outstanding Investments. And I'm proud to say that unbiased and meticulous industry watchdog Mark Hulbert ranked Outstanding Investments the No. 1 Performing Investment Letter over a five-year period in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Sorry for bragging... but I'm thrilled to be on this team, and I can't help but be proud. Especially with our No. 1-ranked track record. But you don't have to hear it from me. Let's listen to what some of my Outstanding Investments subscribers have to say. For instance, guys like reader Jeff B., who wrote in: "It's difficult to be unhappy when all of the recommendations I hold from Outstanding Investments are up a minimum of 36%!" Then there's reader Charles B., who says he's done even better: "I made a 140% gain with Tocqueville Gold — great pick! And 64% on Northgate, another winner!" I'm not cherry-picking these accolades. We get letters like this in the office all the time: "My stock portfolio has increased 52% in eight months as a result of the insight of Outstanding Investments. I plan to be a subscriber for years to come... " — Fred H. "I made back the cost of the subscription on my first buy, within about a week... Your newsletter is a great deal!" — A. D. "Thanks for all the good advice. Subscribing to Outstanding Investments is one of the best investment decisions I've ever made." — Wade G. Here's my point. Readers like you have done very well so far following our recommendations. Now before this critical moment of upheaval, I'd like to invite you to join them. And in a very special way. See, I think it's so important that you don't miss this chance, I'd like to invite you to try Outstanding Investments for yourself... free for up to a full year. That's correct. No charge for as many as 12 months. Inside, you'll find a three-step strategy for safeguarding your money against the new oil war of 2008... brilliant alternative energy plays that will soar as a new wave of violence overcomes the Middle East... innovative, safeguard strategies that can work even in whipsaw markets... plus much more. And it's all yours at no charge, as soon as you're ready. Let me just give you a glimpse inside... The Breakthrough Energy Stock When cheap oil finally does disappear, the world will search desperately for something... anything... to fill the void. But wind, solar, hydrogen, thermal and more... most of these alternatives to oil energy are just NOT READY for prime time. They're either just too expensive to use or too different and complicated to develop SOON enough to make a difference. However, among the most immediate options that DO work is an incredible commodity you might have overlooked... plain-old natural gas. It's been quietly booming lately — starting even before the current energy crunch hit. Liquid natural gas trade soared 55% in the 10 years ending 2004. This little market is growing like crazy. Some analysts even predict natural gas will surpass King Crude to dominate the world's energy markets. The CEO of Shell says within 10 years, gas will be a bigger part of the company's business than oil. The problem is that gas, unlike oil, is hard to transport. Because of the transportation problems, the price of natural gas is much higher in North America than in the countries that are swimming in the stuff. This "Energy Bottleneck" is your chance to multiply your money many times over. How much exactly? Possibly 300% or more... An American Natural Gas Play First, here's the thing... Plenty of in-the-know experts share my view on natural gas. But finding the right investment can be tricky. For example, you could always buy Exxon Mobil. But that's like trying to buy a ranch to own a steer — even in a serious market turnaround, you wouldn't make more than a couple percentage points. I'd rather swing for the fences... for gains of 200%, 300% or more. Which is why I've prepared another special report for you, called Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money. Inside, you'll discover my top pick right now. It's one of the top three independent natural gas producers — with a fat $21 billion market cap — but in the energy business, that qualifies this company as a small, nimble player. It's U.S. based. And owes its success to active property acquisition and consistent drilling. This isn't a new strategy, but this company is doing it on a large scale in the right market. This company is a master in every facet of the natural gas business. I'm not the only one who thinks this company is about to skyrocket... What's one indicator that great investors have always used to predict upward movements in a stock price? Insider buying. Who knows the business better than the management of a company? No one. If company execs are putting large chunks of their hard-earned dollars into the stock, you know that they believe the price will go up. This company's CEO has been stocking up on shares. For the past couple years the CEO has been filing SEC form-4's — the forms you have to fill out if you are an insider buying your own company's shares. Do you think this CEO would be sinking his hard-earned money into something that he didn't believe in? No way. He knows what I know about natural gas. And right now, it's at a great time to buy. The Worldwide Natural Gas Boom This company is in a great position to profit, but they are in an even better market. Natural gas is quickly becoming the energy of choice internationally. As oil prices increase, natural gas demand will also become a cheaper and more viable energy source. And this company will stand to make money. And here is the kicker... Alone, this natural gas producer is a strong candidate for growth, but it may be an even stronger candidate for a buyout. With a company this well positioned, it may just be a matter of time before one of the big guys buys it out... You'll learn all about it in your free special investment report, Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money. You receive this report and up to five more when you subscribe to my newsletter. Meanwhile, here's another way to profit... Earn a 6% Dividend and LNG is a possible grand slam homer in natural gas. But you can also profit from North American companies that don't need to ship their gas across an ocean. And if you're fed up with the pitiful interest rates you get on bank accounts and CDs, I've got the best news you've heard this year. Your free copy of Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money recommends a Canadian gas company that pays a 6% dividend as I write these words. Here's something more... Profit From a Nuclear Breakthrough This next breakthrough sounds like a miracle. But it's real. And it could easily fatten your personal bank account. See, if things play out the way I expect, fossil fuel power plants — utilities that use coal and natural gas to make electricity — will join wood-burning stoves on history's dustheap. And you can make a fortune owning a piece of the power revolution that will follow. You'll learn the details in Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead, another of the six FREE reports I'm ready to send. One of the key ways to profit, for instance, is a coming worldwide boom in nuclear power. Yep. After a couple of freak accidents several decades ago, Americans decided they wanted nothing to do with nuclear power ever again. But guess what? France now gets 77% of its electric power from nuclear plants. Japan and South Korea get 39% — and the two of them have more than 20 new plants on the way. Belgium, Sweden, Finland... they've all gone nuclear. It seems like everyone but us is building nukes. China plans to boost its nuclear power capacity by 500%. In fact, for the past 40 years, nuclear has been the fastest-growing power source in the world. And now it's really taking off. What's more, all the hundreds of plants worldwide have logged thousands of reactor years without a single accident. You see, Asians and Europeans have discovered something some Americans refuse to see: Nuclear power beats fossil fuels hands down. It's safer... it's cheaper... and it's cleaner. And it's about to enjoy a whole new age, worldwide. With or without the U.S. In Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead, you'll find out how... including how to make a bundle on the new trend. Already, you could have gotten rich on the soaring price of uranium. It's up many times over, just in the last few years. But there's still room to make plenty more. Turning on the Juice reveals my favorite ways to gain from the new nuclear boom... including a company with huge uranium reserves, plus ready access to China and its massive nuclear program. Best of all, this company controls a production bottleneck the U.S. nuclear industry can't do without. But even that isn't my No. 1 play that you'll read about in your FREE copy of this report... Nuclear Power Plants Will The Chinese are charging ahead with a new type of nuclear power plant. I predict utilities will build hundreds, maybe thousands, of these new plants all over the globe. Electricity will become super cheap. And eventually, we'll see an economic boom worldwide like we've never seen before: You'll learn all the details in your free special investment report, Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead. The technology uses an alternative way to harvest the energy of the atom — a way that Americans discovered and then rejected decades ago. The Chinese plan to mass-produce the reactors. The plants will be modular and factory made, built to last 40 years, ready to ship anywhere in the world and assembled like Lego. A Chinese scientist boasts, "Eventually, these new reactors will compete strategically, and in the end, they will win. When that happens, it will leave traditional nuclear power in ruins." The man has reason to be cocky. The prototype has already been tested by turning off the coolant and letting the plant cool down by itself. That would be totally unthinkable with a conventional reactor. This could be the ultimate solution to global warming. I think the Chinese will pull it off, and we're going to see a new industrial revolution. You need to move soon, because the Chinese are plunging full speed ahead. Subscribe now and get your free copy of Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead. In fact, you need to move quickly to get all of the FREE reports in my PEAK OIL PROTECTION LIBRARY. Here's how to get started... Your First 3 FREE Reports So here's a quick recap of the first three FREE reports I want to send you immediately... Special Investment Report #1: Special Investment Report #2: Special Investment Report #3: In these three reports alone, you'll already find 10 specific investments I recommend right now, including... All you have to do is sign up to get one year — 12 monthly issues — of my popular market research letter, Outstanding Investments — at half off the regular subscription price. That's like getting the first six months of your subscription absolutely free. This special deal is just $49 for the full year, which includes the six months of free issues and all three of the FREE reports I just named, at no extra charge. And here's an even better deal... THREE ADDITIONAL GIFTS... Let me send you double the number of special research reports... plus up to a whole year of FREE issues when you try Outstanding Investments for two years (24 issues). In other words, you get all three special reports named above, plus... Special Investment Report #4: If the price of oil is headed up, the obvious play is to buy oil stocks. Problem is, everyone knows that. I've got a better idea. Often, the best way to play a boom is by investing in supporting players most people never think about. When it comes to crude oil, tanker companies are a great way to multiply your profits. While the price of a barrel doubled, the cost of shipping the oil went up nearly four times! Revenues for shippers soared a 1,000% in 2004, and all 1,500 oil tankers worldwide are booked solid. Let me show you how to profit in Two if by Sea: Shipping Stocks That'll Sail on the Oil Boom. Yours free with a two-year subscription. Special Investment Report #5: No matter what happens to the U.S. economy over the next five–10 years... no matter what new foolishness grips Washington... one thing is absolutely certain. The way we drive will change. The days of SUVs and gas-guzzling sedans are history. To survive in the new era, all of the major carmakers are retooling and redesigning just so they can survive. And whichever way it goes, you could easily get very rich. For instance, in Tailpipe Riches: The Race to Build the Car of the Future, I'll reveal the three front-runner technologies... plus the unlikely company that's most likely to make a fortune as these breakthroughs take hold (hint: it's not a car company at all!) Special Investment Report #6: What's the untold secret that made solar power a no-go option for decades... and how has the tide suddenly turned toward huge profitability? Maybe you remember how solar power used to be a hippie technology nobody took seriously. But energy insiders take it seriously now. Especially guys like Shi Zhengrong, the richest man in China (worth $2.2 billion) and now one of the biggest backers of what could be the richest solar power moneymaker in the world today. You could probably find out which company I'm talking about on your own. What you won't find, though, is the secret catalyst that's about to make this a must-own stock for 2009 and the years to follow. Unless, that is, you let me reveal it to you in the copy of Solar Flare: Getting Rich in the Coming Energy Revolution, just one of the free reports I'd love to send. That's six FREE reports altogether. Plus, you'll get two years (24 issues) of Outstanding Investments at half off the regular two-year price — you pay just $99 — which like getting a full year of issues, absolutely FREE. I certainly feel like that's a pretty solid deal. And I'm positive that once you've had a chance to look everything over, you're going to agree. But the most important benefit you'll receive is... Professional Forecasting My surprising and often disturbing predictions are more than just talk. This is serious information for serious readers. I publish this analysis in my newsletter. People act on it. Real people. And when they do, they make money. Real money. Dow Jones, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal and others take me very seriously. Two years in a row, independent tracking and rating service Hulbert Financial Digest named Outstanding Investments the top-performing newsletter over a five-year period. I'm proud of that. But even more important to me is that you get a chance to tap into these opportunities too. Which is why I hope you'll act soon on this special invitation, while there's still time... Act Now to Protect Yourself From "E-Day"! Send for my PEAK OIL PROTECTION LIBRARY and see for yourself. Short term, nothing can cushion the U.S. economy against the next wave of the "forever" oil shock. Not the president, not the Prius. But for yourself and your family, there's plenty you can do. Simply knowing what to expect next is an excellent start. Shocking events like... Again, the last thing I want is to leave you unprepared. Eventually, the amazing new technologies I've described will take the place of crude oil. But meanwhile, difficult times lie dead ahead, like the iceberg in front of the Titanic. And like the Titanic, the American economy is too big to turn on a dime. But there's still room for you in the lifeboat. Join the rest of us and send for your FREE reports. Start reading my research every month in your issues of Outstanding Investments. Add up everything and you'll get... And you can try all this with a 100% FULL-SATISFACTION guarantee. My publisher assumes the entire risk. Try everything. If you like what you see, everything keeps coming your way automatically, for the life of your subscription. But if it turns out that none of this appeals to you, cancel at any time — even on the last day of your last issue — and get a full refund. You keep everything. No questions asked. Sure, I know that means I'm putting a lot on the line. But frankly, we're not worried you'll cancel, because by the end of two years, most of the forecasts I've made in this book will be in the mainstream news outlets. And you'll have already reaped your rewards. Let me hear from you soon, Byron King
One famous expert warns,
"There will be panic... "
seismic event may cost us over $4 trillion...
make as much as 668% on the 12 stocks set to rocket
as this next new round of "petro-chaos" unfolds...
but Few Understand... It's Already Here!
I promise you, we're in for radical change. And not the kind guys in suits promise you on television. But I can promise you something better too. I can promise you you'll have a chance to come through this clean, if you follow the strategy I'm about to give you.
"Hooked on Crude!" The phones, Internet, televisions, washers, dryers, refrigerators and stereos in our homes... the trucks, trains, planes and ships that deliver food to our supermarkets... our factories, tractors, turbines and compressors...
at $150 per Barrel?! Now, you've got to picture this. At the time, America was the world's largest oil power. Black crude flowed like water from Texas wells. The controversy that followed nearly ruined Hubbert's career. Shell even hired other geologists willing to put the peak date in 1990 or even 2010... and Hubbert was all but shunned by the industry bigwigs.
The Total Global Energy Crisis
of the Next 20 Years
Dying Oil Fields and Shrinking Reserves!Even now, the Saudis claim they can kick out at least 10 million barrels of oil per day. And our own Department of Energy banks its rosy energy predictions on the Saudis' ability to churn out up to 20 million barrels per day, if they have to.
About How Much Oil They Have Left?"
Halfway Point That Matters
Simply read your FREE copy of Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years... and then let me send you the rest of the SIX FREE reports in the complimentary PEAK OIL PROTECTION LIBRARY that I'd love to send you today.
Says a White House Insider Matthew Simmons is a former Harvard professor. Now he's an investment banker who manages nearly $56 billion in energy investments. He's been a White House adviser under both Bush and Clinton.
or Deep-water Drilling... Change the Equation?" Unfortunately, Absolutely Not... So what's the solution? Yes, there is one. Some of it will come from a wave of breakthroughs for tapping the rest of the oil... some will be new ways to burn what we already have more efficiently... and a string of alternative energies — wind, solar, clean coal, safer nuclear energy, hydro and even hydrogen — all hold lots of promise.
When the Time Is Right!
by Addison Wiggin
Over a Five-Year Period
Plus, to make it even more tantalizing, I've arranged for nine free gifts that are also yours the moment you get started. Including a new library of six special investing reports I've pulled together. I call it my Crude Awakening Crisis & Profit Library.
All the Insiders Want to Own
That Could Easily Grow 300%
Double Your Capital, Too!The rest of the world didn't have that luxury. They had even less access to cheap fossil fuel. So they took a second look at nuclear... and reinvented it completely. Now it's safer and more efficient than ever.
Roll off an Assembly Line
These plants will get built by the hundreds because the world needs cheap, clean energy. But they'll get built by the thousands if the world decides to get serious about global warming. Selected stocks will take off into the stratosphere.
Plus up to 6 FREE Months of My Research
Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch of the Next 20 Years
Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead
Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money
and a FULL YEAR of My Research, FREE
Two if by Sea: Shipping Stocks That'll Sail on the Oil Boom
Tailpipe Riches: The Race to Build the Car of the Future
Solar Flare: Getting Rich in the Coming Energy Revolution
vs. Crystal Ball Gazing