Do People Care if America Ends?
It's an interesting question and one pondered for years. I have come to the conclusion that those born after the 1960's are not patriotic citizens by the same definition as those born prior to the 60's. In fact, I've heard many 20, 30, and even 40-somethings claim that they hold no particular allegiance to this country, as they consider it to be imperialistic, dishonest, exploitative, and devious........
by Nancy Levant
Media Fiddles While America Burns
It seems abundantly clear that the TV show Hannity & Colmes, which Colmes will be leaving by the end of the year, isn’t the only Fox News program in need of new blood. You know the situation in the media is desperate when the “conservatives” on a Fox News program are more supportive of Obama’s appointments than the liberal editorial page of the New York Times.....
by Cliff Kincaid
A Thanksgiving Legacy
Liberal or conservative, fan of President Bush or not, as his second and last term winds down, and Barack Obama gets ready to take office, one thing all Americans should be grateful for this Thanksgiving is that under Pres. Bush's watch, our nation has not experienced another terrorist attack on our soil since September 11, 2001. I know I am thankful for this part of the legacy he leaves behind........
by Sharon Hughes
America’s Perfect Storm: What Will You Do When It Hits?
A “Perfect Storm” gathers on the horizon as Peak Oil, Economic Instability, Climate Change and Hyper-Population Growth collide within the United States. While Americans watch multiple breakdowns throughout their economic and environmental systems, a gathering citizen armada prepares for an uncertain futurethat most assuredly looms on the U.S. horizon.
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 27 November 2008
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Britannia Radio