Dominic Lawson: When in doubt, blame the banks
Bear in mind that not all of us are borrowers; millions of us are also
Friday, 7 November 2008
When the entire political class is united on a single issue, you can be
sure that it is largely mistaken: the more conventional is the wisdom,
the more certain it is to be based on ignorance or mere fashion.
This is well illustrated by the concerted attack on the banks' lending
policies from politicians across the political spectrum. It is, they all
agree, an unmitigated outrage that our banks are not passing on in full
the recent cuts in the official Bank of England rate – a howl of rage
only amplified by yesterday's decision by the Bank to cut its rate by
one and half percentage points to 3 per cent.
The shadow Chancellor George Osborne yesterday called on the banks to
pass the cut on "in full" to businesses and those with mortgages. Two
days earlier, Peter Mandelson, in his silkily menacing fashion, observed
that: "We are taking very strong action... if it appears that the banks
are standing in the way of what the Government is doing then I think
many banking customers are going to be asking difficult questions of the
banks." (Lord Mandelson seems to have forgotten that the Bank of
England's decisions on rates are supposed to be taken independently of
Government, which is even more menacing).
Meanwhile, chairman of the Commons Treasury Select Committee, John
McFall, declared that: "Banks and building societies have been defying
the laws of arithmetic by not passing on interest rate cuts to
I had always imagined that it was impossible to defy the laws of
arithmetic, but we get Mr McFall's drift: if the Bank of England cuts
its rate by 1.5 per cent, then the commercial banks must cut the rates
of all their products by exactly the same amount. I am afraid that this
is almost as untrue as 2+2=5.
Take, for example, the most politically sensitive area, the mortgage
market. About half of all mortgages are fixed rate: borrowers will pay
the same until their term comes to an end. They don't suffer when the
official rate move rapidly upwards, so they can't expect to gain when it
moves in the opposite direction. A further 40 per cent of mortgages are
"tracker" deals, under which both lenders and borrowers have contracted
to follow the movements up and down in the official lending rate: in
these cases, it's not a question of "urging" the banks to "do the decent
thing" – it just happens automatically.
That leaves only 10 per cent of the market on variable rates, where it
is true that the lenders have some discretion. It is also true that in
recent months about half of the banks have used that discretion not to
pass on in full the cuts in the official rate. Their reasons for doing
so have nothing to do with any desire to be able to continue to award
themselves big bonuses, whatever the chimps in the Westminster zoo might
be chattering.
First of all, the most important determinant of what banks are able to
charge borrowers is not the official Bank of England rate, but the cost
of money in the wholesale market. This has been significantly higher
than the official rate for many months now, which is what happens when
banks are worried about the risk of default by other banks. It's true
that the taxpayer-funded recapitalisation of three of our biggest banks
has eased this panic, but doubts about the financial institutions' own
creditworthiness have not disappeared.
Next, ask yourself why it is that so many of our banks had become so
unstable in the first place: it happened because they had "mispriced
risk". That is to say, they had lent money at dangerously low margins,
thus ensuring that their own capital reserves were devastated when the
collateral on which they had based their loans suffered steep falls in
value. This process is still continuing, which is why some of the banks
have needed to take up a not especially attractively- priced offer of
funding from the taxpayer: observe that the Treasury is charging 12 per
cent a year for this money – which hardly gives it a platform to demand
that banks themselves lend at generous terms.
All the banks are now doing whatever they can to restore their capital
reserves to levels which once would have been deemed essential, before
the fashion for high-wire off-balance sheet financing drove some of them
– notably Northern Rock – into meltdown. Shareholders will do only so
much to support such fundraising: the banks also need to generate
profits to supply the new capital they desperately need. This in turn
can only be earned in the usual way: by banks charging a higher price to
borrowers than they pay to depositors. In the circumstances now
prevailing, it is neither surprising nor inappropriate for that margin
to be quite wide.
I can see that this is politically embarrassing for the Government,
which seems to think it has a deal with the banks who have taken the
Treasury shilling that they would continue to "make credit available at
2007 levels". Yesterday, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Yvette Cooper,
said as much on BBC Radio's World at One, reminding the banks that "they
have signed up to conditions on the availability of credit".
Since neither the Treasury nor the banks have seen fit to tell us
exactly what those conditions are, we are little the wiser. I suspect
that the banks were careful to retain absolute freedom in the future
pricing of credit, in which case the Treasury cannot complain of
anything other than its own inability to read the small print.
If the Government continues to bully the main clearing banks, perhaps
those organisations might turn around and point out that Northern Rock,
which is entirely owned by the taxpayer, has been repossessing
defaulting borrowers' houses at about double the rate of the industry as
a whole, and has also been increasing the cost of new products. If the
British Government really wants to set a trend towards easy credit – as
if that hadn't been the problem in the first place – it should do so
with a bank it owns, rather than bully those it doesn't.
It might also bear in mind that not all of us are just borrowers;
millions of us are also savers. The politicians should not forget that
we too have votes.
http://www.independ opinion/commenta tors/dominic-
lawson/dominic- lawson-when- in-doubt- blame-the- banks-997948. html
Friday, 7 November 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio