EU ministers today discusses mobile data roaming and Telecoms reform - UK To become law, the EU telecoms reform must be adopted under the co-decision procedure (Article 251 of the EC Treaty). This means that the Council of ... See all stories on this topic |
Czech court green-lights EU Lisbon Treaty - Brussels,Belgium In his closely watched verdict announced on Wednesday (26 November), Vojen Guttler, the presiding judge rapporteur, argued that the new reform treaty does ... See all stories on this topic |
Protecting neutrality in a militarised EU Irish Times - Dublin,Ireland The 1997 Amsterdam Treaty provided for EU involvement in peacekeeping and peace-enforcement through the so-called Petersberg Tasks, the list of military and ... See all stories on this topic |
Ganley's Brussels office opens for business Irish Times - Dublin,Ireland He has also applied to the European Parliament for EU funds to help him finance an election campaign designed to consign the Lisbon Treaty to the dustbin of ... See all stories on this topic |
Czech court finds EU reform treaty constitutional By Andrew Morgan(Bernard Hibbitts) [JURIST] The Czech Constitutional Court [official website] on Wednesday ruled unanimously [judgment text] that the European Union (EU) reform pact formally known as the Treaty of Lisbon [official website; text] is consistent with the ... JURIST - Paper Chase - |
EU employment: Policy coordination and guidelines By Grahnlaw(Grahnlaw) With a few notable exceptions, most areas of Community policy have only been updated and adjusted technically to the different reform treaty versions: the draft Constitution, the Constitutional Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty. ... Grahnlaw - |
It is the second tier of EU Member States - The Czech Republic ... By Pincas Jawetz He emphasised that the new referendum would take place only after careful negotiations with the EU removed objections and dispelled the apprehensions the Irish public feels about the reform treaty. In a month Dublin is to disclose the ... Sustainabilitank - |
Irish parliament to debate second Lisbon referendum By dogman It argues that a second poll on the EU's new reform treaty - following the debacle in June when the Irish voters rejected the document by a clear majority - would be preferable, suggesting a vote on the same text but accompanied by ... Vanguard News Network Forum - |
Europe Economy: EU confident of Czech treaty ratification (BRUSSELS) - The European Commission voiced confidence Wednesday that the Czech Republic would ratify the EU's reform treaty after a court in Prague ruled that the text conformed with the country's read more ..... Financial 24 - Top News - |